- Yonkers Public Schools
- About Special Education
About Special Education
Yonkers Public Schools provides a continuum of Special Education Programs from related services support to special class settings for students with a broad range of educational disabilities.
Part 200 of the Commissioner’s Regulations
These regulations inform parents and school districts of procedures that must be followed for students who may be identified, or who are already classified, as having an educational disability. They also include the definitions of the thirteen handicapping conditions, responsibilities of the District, school and Committee on Special Education, the continuum of services, and parents due process rights.
Part 100 of the Commissioner’s Regulations
These regulations focus on elementary and secondary general education programs. According to Section 100.2(s),“Each student with a disability … shall have access to the full range of programs and services set forth in this Part to the extent that such programs and services are appropriate to such student’s special educational needs.”
Steps in the Special Education Process
If your preschool or school-age child is having difficulties in school, first talk to his or her teachers. Our schools offer supports for students within general education such as counseling, academic intervention services, curriculum and instructional modifications. If you, the teacher and principal have not been able to help your child despite multiple interventions, your child may have a disability which affects his/her learning. You could make a referral to the Committee on Special Education or the Committee on Preschool Special Education. A referral is a written statement asking for the school district to evaluate your child to determine if he/ she needs special services. The written statement should be addressed to the Committee on Special Education and include your child’s name, current school and grade, date of birth, and a daytime phone number so that you may be contacted. It also requires an original signature by you, the parent or guardian. This referral can also be made by your child’s teacher, principal, or the Pupil Support Team. The referral should be mailed to: Committee on Special Education, Yonkers Public Schools, One Larkin Center, Yonkers, New York, 10701.
The Special Education Department is located at:
One Larkin Center
Yonkers, New York, 10701