"Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible" - Francis of Assisi
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Welcome to Ms. Florin's class page! Welcome to 3rd grade!
We are beginning a new and exciting year back in the classroom. I am very excited to be part of Museum School 25. When your child comes to my class they will get a letter in their folder with more information about me.
There is information on the left to begin our Remote Learning. All log in information is in that tab for Clever, Microsoft Office and Microsoft Teams. Please follow the steps to login.
If you are having any difficulty accessing Microsoft Teams, assignments will also be posted to this website weekly/daily.
****Parents, please email me so that I can invite you to my class dojo page. That way we can continuously communicate throughout this school year.****
****PLease click the link below to join our Class Dojo****
Feel free to contact me at dflorin@yonkerspublicschools.org.
Stay safe and keep reading!