- Robert C. Dodson School
- Assignments
Students please note
***** Living Environment Students 1st Assignment Living Environment Survival Guide has been uploaded in Teams This very important document will be available in Microsoft Teams and edited for you to be able to view and add notes!! I have uploaded and the due date is June 28th 2022 for your lraning !! *******
Thursday September 9th will be the first day of 2021-2022 school year!
Student Objectives
1- Focus on a welcome discussion, student expectations and goals!!
2- Discuss how to navigate through the curriculum in terms of assignments and responsibilities!!
3- We will discuss notesbooks, folders and laminated (plastic covered folders for Living Environment)
We will work together to achieve all our goals!!
Please use the linl below to address all Microsoft Issues Chat withme at anytime during the school year!!
Lookng forward to a successful and exciting 2021-2022 school year!!
Get ready to work!!
All my best
Dr Veltri
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Current Assignments
There are no current assignments.
Past Due Assignments
8th Grade Assignment #10 Relationships and Biodiversity NY State Lab Week May 26th
Date Due: 05/29/2020