Email: dcooke@YonkersPublicSchools.org
Phone: 914-376-8350
Log on to Microsoft Teams (www.microsoftteams.com) during your scheduled class period for live lessons, assignments and announcements
ONLINE RESOURCES: Microsoft Teams, Nearpod, Clever
- Students will grow in confidence as critical thinkers, readers, writers, and speakers with confident voice
- Students will read and write in various modes, including narration, description(creative non-fiction), argumentation and research
SUPPLIES: Laptop or Desktop or Ipad or Phone - Notebook/Pens/Pencils
(STUDENT LAPTOP LOAN PROGRAM https://www.yonkerspublicschools.org/gorton)
RESPECT yourself, your classmates and your teacher
BE PREPARED to learn and work hard
FOLLOW class procedures, all directions, school policy
RAISE your hand, your confidence, your expectations
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You can reach me via email or phone, and your child can reach me via MS Teams Chat Message. During these unprecedented times, it is important that we keep the lines of communication open to ensure our children have everything they need to be successful this year. I am here to support your child's academics as well as their social/emotional needs.