- Westchester Hills School 29
How to View Grades in the Powerschool Student/Parent Portal

Please see below for info to see how students & parents can view their personal grades for Health class in our online gradebook program, via YPS' Parent/Student Portal! It is a great tool that enables students to stay in better tune with their progress/status in our class! When it comes to your child's grades, "My gradebook is YOUR gradebook"!
1. Open an internet browser on an Internet-accessible device. In the address bar of your browser type http://yonkersps.powerschool.com/public and choose "Create Account".
2. Create your account by following the on-screen prompts. You will need to supply your first name, last name, email address, username, password, and relationship to child. Make note of your username and password.
*3. To link to your child, you need an Access ID and Password. The Access ID is case sensitive.
-Your Access ID is student's last name & first initial. For example, if person's name is Joe Smith, would be SmithJ...Note: This is CASE-SENSITIVE.
-Your Access Password is Date of Birth, in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy. For example, if birthday is February 2, 2010, you will enter 02/02/2010.
4. If you have more than 1 child in the district, you may link them on this screen, or in the Parent Portal. You will need a unique Access ID and password for each additional child
5. Once you successfully create your account, you will be able to use your username and password to sign in to your child's account.
CODE: If needed, the code for the Yonkers Public School District is RDXR.
*TECH SUPPORT: Please contact them directly so they can help get you the help you need (unfortunately, I am not a technician!): ParentPortal@yonkerspublicschools.org. You may also call 914-376-8229.
*If having trouble accessing, you may also try this link here: https://www.yonkerspublicschools.org/parentportal
"Mr. C., am I missing anything?"....Check the Powerschool app.....THAT'S EXACTLY WHY IT'S THERE!