Ms. Florin's Class 1-2 Robert C. Dodson School


    Hello Parents and Students in Ms. Florin's Class, 


    We have reached our last week of Distance Learning.  Work is posted for Monday and Tuesday. All of you--students and parents-- have worked so hard this school year. I thank you very much for this.

    Practice regrouping in addition and subtraction for Grade 2. Continue to read during the summer.  Write and draw in a Journal to practice writing and to organize thoughts. Observe things and nature around you.

    Learning never ends.

    I'd like to thank parents and all family members for working so hard to help your child grow and develop during Distance Learning. If it were not for the diligence and care that you offered, then nothing would have been done. I'd also like to thank the students for working hard to learn what is needed to start 2nd grade. It's a pleasure to work with such a conscientious group of families. I've always told the students that they will learn the most from their families, and Distance Learning is proving that. 




  • You may email me Monday-Friday.  My email is

    I miss all of you !