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Mathmas Continues at School 30

For the holiday season, Ms. Barnett (Middle School math teacher) proposed the idea of the 12 Days of  Mathmas as a theme for the school-wide door contest. Students in Ms. Barnett's 8th grade math class developed this idea by decorating the classroom door, penning lyrics to an all-math-related song, and performing that song for classmates, teachers, and administrators. Their efforts took the Grand Prize in the contest, and motivated students to continue their celebration of Mathmas as we returned from winter break.


Introducing – MATHMAS – a new student created holiday meant to celebrate a cheerful wonderland of Mathematics. You can have a rewarding and exciting time solving equations while learning mathematical terms at our new School 30 event. Have fun with your friends during this winter season, in a warm classroom with calculators in hand.   

All School 30 students will be spreading Math cheer throughout the 12 days of Mathmas, beginning January 13th, and culminating on Mathmas, with our day of celebration being January 31st. Students are encouraged to wear Mathmas colors (red and white) on the day to participate in the celebration!  

By: Kristin Romany and Hannah Sainovic