Students of the Months 2021-2022

Hip Hip Hooray

Derick Rodriguez


Mercellina Essien

 are the 8-4 students of the month of September 2021!!


Leyra Then Romero


Joshua Ortiz

 are the 8-4 students of the month of October 2021!!




Azariah Williams


Roman Cruz

are the 8-4 students of the month of November 2021!! 



Leyra Then Romero (High Honor Roll!!)


Newton Dzah

are the 8-4 students of the month of December 2021!!


Evangeline Neglia-Feldman


Newton Dzah

are the 8-4 students of the month of January 2022!!


Leyra Then Romero


Derick Rodriguez

are the 8-4 students of the month of February 2022!!



Derick Rodriguez

is the 8-4 student of the month for April 2022!!