• The Yonkers Basics

About The Yonkers Basics

  • The Yonkers Basics is based on The Boston Basics, a set of five easy and nurturing practices that stimulate brain growth in children from birth to age 3.

    These practices help parents and caregivers of young children thrive cognitively, physically, socially and emotionally, and enter school ready to learn.

    The Yonkers Basics Campaign is inspired by the fact that 80% of brain development happens in the first three years of life.

    During this period, skill gaps between socio-economic, racial, and ethnic groups become clearly apparent. This does not need to be!

    Everyday interactions between children, their parents, and other caregivers provide abundant opportunities to give children from every background a more equal start in life.

    The Yonkers Basics are five evidence-based parenting and caregiving principles that encompass much of what experts find is important for children from birth to age three.

    Every parent, family member or caregiver can use and share these principles. 

    Every child from every background can benefit.

    The Yonkers Basics Campaign is sponsored by Yonkers Public Schools, the City of Yonkers, and Yonkers Thrives, and brings together a citywide coalition of organizations and individuals to share these principles with parents and caregivers around the city.