Phone: 914-376-8500


Degrees and Certifications:

BBA Business Administration MA Elementary Education MA Reading Specialist MS Guidance Counseling

Ms. Glenda Brunson


Welcome to an exciting new year.  This year will be one of the most exciting years your child will experience in school.  It is a year of transition and adventure, and one in which you will see many changes as your child builds a foundation of new skills to use for their future learning success.  

 This year I will be the Reading Teacher for Yonkers Early Childhood Academy. In the past, I have taught Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade.  I am looking forward to teaching reading to our students. I can't wait to get started to get students excited about reading.            

 I certainly look forward to a fun and rewarding school year.  It is my hope to develop critical thinkers and learners and build a solid foundation of learning that they can build on throughout their educational career.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email


Thank you, 

Ms. Brunson