YPS District Code of Conduct

  • One of the primary goals of the Yonkers Public Schools is to provide an excellent educational program for each student in a school environment free of disruptions that interfere with the educational process. The Yonkers Board of Education acknowledges that students succeed and flourish in schools that cultivate positive school climates, support their social and emotional development, and effectively address their diverse needs. The Code of Conduct is based upon education laws, regulations, and Board of Education (BOE) policies. Its purpose is to set expectations that allow the Yonkers Public Schools to create and maintain a safe, civil, and caring environment in which teachers can provide high quality instruction and students can be fully engaged in learning. Unless otherwise indicated, this Code applies to all students, school personnel, parents, and other visitors; informs them of the Yonkers Public Schools’ expectations regarding behavior and conduct when on school property or attending a school function; and provides for the enforcement of these expectations.