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Welcome to Physical Education!!
Welcome back to PE!!!
Posted by CHRISTOPHER DUNN on 9/8/2020 2:00:00 PMStudents! It's been way too long and I want to catch up with as many of you as possible. This will take some time :-) I have 700+ of you. Feel free to email, message through teams, etc.
You already know this year holds a large challenge before us. New ways to hold classes. New expectations from the start, different from our remote quarantined learning Last Spring. More distance, more required of the internet based technology involved. There will be breakdowns, difficulties, successes, tests to our patients and understanding; yet we will soldier on.
I have faith in you! Your Education is perhaps more important than some of you might see or understand, at the moment. For me Physical Education is a huge piece of that.....if it's not, it should be!
Life is about movement,
Our bodies; built for it,
we need it!
It makes us feel ALIVE!!
Being physical scientifically makes our brains feel good. NOTHING is more important than out health.
Many of you students know I have the ability to go on and on. Today I won't...but please know that this year, right now, IS REAL LIFE, with real expectations.....grades will be earned. Classes will not be pass fail. All assignments must be completed in the time given. Some will be weekly, and some longer.
Please be ready to Work! I am here to support you all through this.
STAY TUNED FOR "POP IN's" to your regular classes just to say a quick hello, until schedules normalize and all students and teachers have a moment to work the bugs out
I miss you all....See you soon!
-Coach Dunn
Be Smart & Be Aware while Grocery Shopping ONLINE.
Posted by CHRISTOPHER DUNN on 6/4/2020 9:00:00 AM -
Talking Through Feelings: Family Conversation Starters
Posted by CHRISTOPHER DUNN on 5/28/2020 10:00:00 AMTalking Through Feelings: Family Conversation Starters
by Sean Wade, Director of Family and Volunteer Engagement
Parents and caregivers are being tasked with a near-impossible combination of roles during this time: working from home, home-schooling, counseling, managing your and your family’s stress, economic challenges, and much more.
Just like we as parents are dealing with different, sometimes conflicting, emotions and feelings, so are our kids. While you give yourself grace that you can’t do it all, here are a few ways you can help your kids talk through and process what they’re feeling.
- Start by keeping it simple. Check in with kids when you notice a change in mood and set a regular time to ask how they’re feeling, like during family meals. At the end of the day, ask kids to share roses and thorns or highs and lows – at least one positive thing from the day and one thing that made them feel down. Encourage them to talk through how each made them feel. Focus on celebrating the positives and acknowledging that even during days with more lows, there are things to be grateful for and feel good about.
- Practice empathy and acknowledge diversity of emotions. Ask kids to identify different feelings they see in others – during a TV show, after a Zoom call with friends, or in your own family – and let them know it’s okay to feel sad, angry, and frustrated. You can talk about times you’ve felt that way and encourage (but don’t force) them to do the same. Some kids also may feel guilt about feeling happy or content during a time when so many people are suffering – let them know it’s okay to both feel happy and also have empathy for others who are hurting or feeling sad or upset.
- Use mindfulness exercises to teach emotional awareness. Try some of the breathing and mindfulness exercises here and, afterward, ask kids how they felt as they were breathing. What sounds did they hear while listening to their own breaths? What did they feel? How do they feel different now than before the exercises? Use the opportunity to talk about how you can use deep breathing to ease anxiety and go to a calm place.
- Get up and move! Movement releases dopamine and helps the brain process different emotions so that it’s easier to talk through them. Go for a walk, play basketball in the driveway, or do jumping jacks inside – try different ways to get kids to move their body. Especially if kids are having trouble talking about their feelings, this is a good way to distract them and allow you to talk in a more relaxed setting.
- Let their questions guide you. The National Association of School Psychologists has some great tips on how to talk to kids about COVID-19, and age-appropriate messages to share. One piece of advice they offer is to let kids’ questions guide the conversation, especially for older elementary ages and up. Make space for kids to ask about and talk through what’s on their mind, and use that page as a resource to help you find answers you may not have on your own.
Final PE Project (DUE 6-15-20)
Posted by CHRISTOPHER DUNN on 5/22/2020 9:00:00 AMPE FINAL PROJECT (OPTIONS) for all grades.DO ONLY ONE OF THESE...unless you want extra credit.OPTION 1: COMPLETE a Seven day FOOD JOURNAL. Please take your time with this. YOU MUST COUNT YOUR CALORIES!It's intent is to show the student the relationship of total calories eaten in a day and its effect on weight gain, weight loss or weight maintenance (staying the same). Be completely truthful, list EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth, even ketchup, a piece of candy, or a handful of almonds. Failure to record the calories of each food will result in a fail for the Final Project.*Many people don't know why they are so "skinny," or "don't have the amount of muscle they want," or are carrying more weight than they know is healthy for them. There are many factors that affect this....The purpose of this is to not "put you on a diet." It's to help with your understanding of calories in the food you eat.This can be typed or written on paper and forwarded to Mr. Dunn via email CDUNN@yonkerspublicschools.org. Those who completed the one day journal in APRIL, do not need to do a final project at all. Have a Great Summer! 🙂*below is an abbreviated exampleExample of one day: Breakfast (7:00am)food 1 (Cheerios with Milk, one bowl, 240 calories.)food 2, size, amount of calories.Snack (9:00am)Lunch """"""""""""""""Snack """"""""""""""""Dinner """"""""""""""""OROPTION 2: Complete a 7 day Exercise/fitness log (please add pictures if you can).Each day you must log (record) on paper, typed or film 30 whole minutes of exercises. Each day must have 8 to 10 exercises. You can use others that we have not done in class. If your parents know of one that we haven't done in class that is also okay.note: "I ran around with my sister for 30 minutes is not an acceptable entry." Many of us have been together for multiple years. we have learned and performed many stretches and exercises during our Physical Education classes.workouts may include, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO:Jumping Jack's, Straight Arm Planks, Core Hold Planks, Squats, Wall sit's (head back - shoulders back), Tires (or similar foot work) Bear Crawl, Crab walk, Push-up's, Sit-up's, Crunches, Arm Hanging (for time), Burpee's (aka Squat Thrust's), Mountain Climbers, Arm Circles, Leaps, Skips, Butterfly Stretch, Jogging, Shuttle Run's (from point A to Point B repeatedly.)WORK OUT LOG EXAMPLE: (list by amount sets/reps and time)Day 1: (30 min) of activity, 1 min rest, in-between ...or just go to the next right away for a challenge!Jumping Jacks: (3 min) or 2 sets of 40Planks: (2 min) or 2 sets of 40 to 60 secondsMountain Climbers: 3 sets of 20 reps (4 Min)Crab walks: (5 min)Butterfly Stretch: (2 Min)Arm Circles: 2 sets forward, 2 sets reverse (4 Min)Wall Sits: 2 sets, 60 seconds each)Skipping (3 min)Hopping (3Min)Jog (4 to 8 Min)- You can alter this workout plan anyway you want. Just make sure you get 30 min of activity in. Parents with Early Childhood students you can also modify this based on ability. Keep in mind to make it fun (my challenge every day 🙂 )
Lastly, If you want: You can do both Options. If this is completed BOTH, the student will pass Physical Education for the year regardless of past trimester marks.Best,Coach Dunn -
BLOG 5-19-20 Thank You Students (Don't slow down now)
Posted by CHRISTOPHER DUNN on 5/19/2020 9:00:00 AMDon't slow down now! Keep those activity journals (both video and/or written, coming!!) These are chalenging times, not a time to hide and drift away.....it will catch up to you....especially in September. (if we are not all back at school).
In the only way I know how to be with my students......and parents: "Open and Honest," I have to say that I am VERY PROUD of the VERY FEW who have kept in touch, made an attempt to show their interest in......
Adrian A
Alessandro N.
Savanna N.
Ateeb K.
Ibi K.
Daniel V.
Daniella N.
Gaberiel M.
Gianna G.
Johnny G.
Kayla F.
Layla N.
Michael C.
Sara V.
Eva V.
Tianna G.
Kaitlyn B.
Cesar P.
Albarka O.
Xavier D.
Timmy V.
Antonio P.
Ramfis P.
Johnny B.
*These students have at the very least shown an interest in their own health and education by completeing all or some of the required classwork....Thank you.
P.E. - THE MOST IMPORTANT SUBJECT IN LIFE.... Strength/Health = LIFE. Without optimal health, you will never have an optimal life.
For the younger students (PreK to 1st, and some 2nd grade) who have no real way to communicate with their teachers unless an adult or parent emails me. But for the older students, where are you.....? I'm disapointed at the disregard and lack of seriousness at this time. If you have any questions please reach out.
Coach Dunn
Posted by CHRISTOPHER DUNN on 5/11/2020 9:00:00 AMHave fun with this!! Sadly we can't all be together for an actual Field Day, so try this on your own AND GET MOVING!! :-)
*for some reason the link may not bring you to the start of the video. Just rewind it to the beginning. :-)
Virtual Field Day 2020 (Click Links)
At Home Events
Posted by CHRISTOPHER DUNN on 5/6/2020 12:00:00 PMSchool 22 Video WE MISS YOU!!!
In case you missed it, THANK YOU SO MUCH Miss Michelle for working so hard to create this!!!! WOW
Posted by CHRISTOPHER DUNN on 5/2/2020 6:00:00 AM -
VIDEO BLOG 4-23-20
Posted by CHRISTOPHER DUNN on 4/23/2020 12:05:00 PMVBLOG (4/23/20) PART 1
VBLOG (4/23/20) PART 2
SO much to say...pardon my ramblings. Yet if you have a response to anything I said please email me at CDUNN@yonkerspublicschools.org
Blog Friday 4-17-20
Posted by CHRISTOPHER DUNN on 4/17/2020 10:00:00 AMGood Morning everyone!
First of all, How is everyone doing? For Real! ..... how are you doing? Struggling, Coping, Sad, Happy, out of place, Doing well? MAYBE YOU ENJOY THE QUIET TIME......Or is loud in your home??
It's probably easy to assume that this period of time has been an odd transition. As I've said before in videos and other posts.
That means eat right, VEGETABLES MIXED IN DAILY, get (routine) sleep, and VIGOROUS ACTIVITY (Not just a walk to the corner), every day.
For me, I have to feel accomplished, I can't sit on the couch and watch movies all day. Although, one a week is good for me. When I'm finished answering the nonstop stream of parent/student emails, creating lessons, trying to make videos, attending zoom meetings....I need to get outside and work on something, clean up, paint, fix things....When the day is done I feel better if I've acheived something.
Boy and Girls: you know I can go on and on about activities. WHAT ARE YOUR ACTIVITIES?? (in detail).
Check out DAILY HEALTH JOURNAL DUE 4-27-20 in the HOMEWORK section later on today I will post it this afternoon. (monday 4-20-20)
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Degrees and Certifications:
BSed Physical Education SUNY Cortland MSed Health Education CUNY Lehman
Mr. Christopher Dunn
Available 8:30am to Noon each normal school day.
Otherwise email me, I will try to get back to you ASAP!
PARENTS and GUARDIANS PLEASE JOIN our "Physical Education @ School 22" COMPLETELY PRIVATE Facebook Group.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1783881178543863 (copy and paste, this is not a hyperlink)
The BODY - A Complete User's Guide (National Geographic)
by Patricia Daniels Year Published: 2014Earn the Right to Win
by David Fisher and Tom Coughlin Year Published: 2013
(a "rambling" Friday morning letter, of ideas to my students.)
I'm sure you have noticed the monotony of quarantine. This is why I believe we all need a daily plan, with HEALTHY ROUTINES. For if you don't, time just slips away and you will not feel accomplished. So get outside as soon as you wake up. Yes before breakfast....take a walk. Get those endorphins flowing to the brain.
Endorphins make you feel good! We all have them in our brain....you just need to do your part to release them.
Look for Good Habit examples (from other people) are some of the most effective ways to improve your own well being.
Stretch every morning and again before bed every night.
Walk the dog,
clean your room,
clean something!! hah...
do the laundry.
Fix something that is broken.
Clean the fish tank.....just trying to help here!
But in all seriousness....
Your mental health is as important, if not MOST important. Avoid constant social media....set time aside for it and then leave it alone. Schedule EVERYTHING, meals, exercise, homework, reading, studying. Take this time to read, ask questions, (check your sources of course). Look to those whom you know have healthy lives.
Check the bathroom scale. We have only been out 2 weeks so far, your bodies are growing of course, but are you gaining weight faster than expected?? The best way to notice this is how do your clothes fit? Lets increase the activity level and decrease the snacking level, myself included.
There are times to be intense and specific, and there are times to be lackadaisical and indifferent. Make time for that too!
Lastly, GET YOUR SLEEP!! Do not use this time to stay up late and "sleep in" every day.....Your body does not deserve that instability. Have a good weekend and remember to do your planks during the commercials!! :-)
Coach Dunn