Kindergarten Teacher Room 106

Phone: 914-376-8563


Degrees and Certifications:

BA: communications/literature MS: Teaching pre-k-6

Mrs. Elizabeth DiNapoli


remote learning expectations

Welcome to Kindergarten!  I am looking forward to a happy, healthy and safe learning experience with class K106.  Please e-mail me at with any questions or concerns.

students assigned to my class listed below


Please start to familiarize yourself with the MICROSOFT Teams App.

This is the platform we will be using to teach live lessons.  There is a tutorial on the school's main page.

Here's how to access MiCROSOFT Teams.  First,  have your child log in to Clever:

your child's user name is:

your child's id

Passwordis: your child's birthday   ex: May 10, 2010     would be  05102010

Next, go to Digital Platforms and click on Office 365: App looks like this:

Office 365 icon

Then, Go to Teams: Last, let the learning begin!!

It is my hope that your children will come to school with excitement and enthusiasm.  It is my job to foster their learning and discovery.


While we are teaching remotely, I hope that your child will have a quiet spot in your home, with minimal distractions. This new form of teaching is a journey where we will all learn along the way.

Please make sure your child has these supplies at home:

A notebook




and if possible some sort of technology: a tablet, chromebok, or computer


Before returning to the school building, I recommend your child wear their mask at home for extended periods of time to get used to it. I know it is difficult, but we want everyone to remain healthy and safe. We will have many mask breaks throughout the day.

I will update the supply list before returning to school to let you know what your child will be needing as we transition to in person learning!


As sugar and flour come together to make

A wonderful cookie creation that you bake,

Parents and teachers need to join as one

to create an educated your daughter or son.

It takes lots of love, caring, and understanding,

especially in these trying times!

But an individual will emerge who is special not withstanding.

We will work together to help your child bloom

So they can grow and prosper.

So, I share this little confection with you as I say,

I am committed to helping your child grow each and every day!

Yes the road may seem long, as the journey has begun,

but I am commited to educate your daughter or son!