Ms. Reid's 1st Grade Class

  • Dear Parents,


     Welcome to 1st grade!  I am so excited to work with you and your children.  I have been teaching at Boyce Thompson for 21 years.  

     Communication tools which we will be using are Class Dojo and or by email. 

    Class Dojo allows communication to the the whole class or by private messaging.

    Mrs. Gagan is the Assistant Teacher who will working with your child as well as Mrs. Ryan who is the Special Education co-teacher.

    My email is

    Mrs. Ryan email is

    Open House



    Mrs. Reid          


     If you missed the Open House, please click on the high-lighted link.   





      Please be advised that there will be no sharing of materials this school year. We are doing this to ensure the safety of all students  and staff.



                                                           Supply List

    Reusable water bottle

    2 face masks that can be washed weekly

    lanyard to hold mask

    pencil box

    These supplies will ONLY be utilized by your child.  They will need to be replenished when they run out:

    hand sanitizer (70% alcohol based)

    anti- bacterial wipes 

    pocket tissues 

    1 box of pencils (please no dollar store brands)

    box of crayons

    4 composition wide ruled notebooks (writing, math, journal, reading)


    4 glue sticks

    safety scissors

    headphones for the computer

    pencil sharpener with case

    3 plastic- 2 pocket folders

    $5 Scholastic News


    Get your Yonkers Public Library Card

    Online Application


    Electronic Learning

       Multimedia How-To's




Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Sonya Reid