- William Boyce Thompson School
- Assignments
Anson, Laura
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Iready math measure length and plot data
IReady reading understand how comparisons are made
Iready math understand area
IReady reading comparing and contrasting two texts
Iready math add and multiply to find area
IReady reading comparing and contrasting stories
Iready math connect area and perimeter
Scholastic News "Olympic Dreams" watch video
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
Iready math tell and write time
Iready reading parts of plays
Scholastic News "Olympic Dreams" read and think
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
Iready math practice tell and write time
Iready reading parts of poems
Scholastic News "Olympic Dreams" create their own olympic sport
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
Iready math solve problems about time
Iready reading authors point of view
Scholastic News "Olympic Dreams" word work and reading checkpoint
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
Iready math solve problems about liquid volume
Iready reading compare and contrast two texts
Scholastic News "Bounce" to bounce or not to bounce
Benchmark book and 6 annotations
IReady math understand division
IReady reading describe connections between steps
Scholastic News "Bounce" word work
Benchmark book and 6 annotations
IReady math understand division
IReady reading describe connections between scientific ideas
Scholastic News "Bounce" reading checkpoint
Benchmark book and 6 annotations
IReady math understand division
IReady reading describe rhythm and meaning in poems
Benchmark book and 6 annotations
IReady math more multiplication and division problems
IReady reading describe word meaning
Grade 3
Possible Structure for the Project for Grades PK-3:
- Create a drawing or other display of what Memorial Day means to them.
- Create a symbol or picture that celebrates the Yonkers residents who lost their lives
Scholastic News "Ice Cream" What comes next?
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math division word problems part 1
IReady describe connections between historical events (read to understand)
Scholastic News "Ice Cream" word work
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math division and subtraction word problems
IReady describe connections between historical events (read to analyze)
Scholastic News "Ice Cream" reading checkpoint
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math understand division part 2
IReady describe connections between historical events (read to write)
Scholastic News "Bounce" watch video
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math division word problems part 2
IReady describe how characters act (read to understand)
Scholastic News "Bounce" read and think
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math division word problems part 2
IReady describe how characters act (read to analyze)
Scholastic News "Butterflies" butterfly diagram
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiples of 7
IReady reading long and short vowels "a"
Scholastic News "Butterflies" word work
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiples of 8
IReady reading long and short vowels "i"
Scholastic News "Butterflies" reading checkpoint
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiples of 9
IReady reading long and short vowels "o"
Scholastic News "Ice Cream" watch video
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math word problems involving length and money
IReady reading long and short vowels "u"
Scholastic News "Ice Cream" read and think
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math understand division part 1
IReady reading long and short vowels "e"
Scholastic News "Volcano" Be a Reporter
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiples of 5 and 10
IReady reading sound and meaning in stories
Scholastic News "Volcano" Word Work
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math use order and grouping to multiply
IReady reading describe parts of story
Scholastic News "Volcano" Reading Checkpoint
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiply within 100
IReady reading how images support text
Scholastic News "Butterflies" watch video
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math break apart a number to multiply
IReady reading connections between steps
Scholastic News "Butterflies" read and think
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiples of 6
IReady reading connect words and pictures
Scholastic News "Dangerous Cats" Main Idea and Details
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiples of 4
IReady reading connections between historical events
Scholastic News "Dangerous Cats" Word work
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiplying by 0 and 1
IReady reading determine meaning
Scholastic News "Dangerous Cats" Reading Checkpoint
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiplication word problems
IReady reading how characters act
Scholastic News "Volcano" watch video
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math use order and grouping to multiply
IReady reading author's purpose
Scholastic News "Volcano" read and think
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiplying by 2,3, and 4
IReady reading use text features part 1
Scholastic News Beach of Glass Word Work
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiply by 5
IReady reading prefixes in- and im-
Scholastic News Beach of Glass Reading Checkpoint
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiplication part 2
IReady reading prefixes dis- and mis-
Scholastic News "Dangerous Cat" watch video
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiplication word problems part 2
IReady reading suffixes -less and -ful
Scholastic News "Dangerous Cat" Read and Think
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiplication and addition problems
IReady reading suffixes -ous and -able
Scholastic News "Dangerous Cat" main idea and details
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady math multiply by 3
IReady reading divide between consonants
Scholastic News "Stinky Plants" Word Work
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady Close Reading Ask and Answer Questions
IReady Understand Multiplication Part 1
Scholastic News "Stinky Plants" Reading checkpoint
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady Close Reading Key Details
IReady Multiplication Word Problems Part 1
Scholastic News "Beach of Glass" Watch Video
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady Close Reading Recount Stories
IReady Practice Multiplication and Addition Word Problems
Scholastic News "Beach of Glass" Read and Think
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady Close Reading Find the Main Topic
IReady Practice Multiples of 2
Scholastic News "Beach of Glass" Debate It
Benchmark book summary and 6 annotations
IReady Close Reading Determine Central Message
IReady Practice Multiplying by 10
Scholastic News "Elephants" Word Work #1-3
Benchmark book write 6 annotations
IReady math Multiply Multiples of 10
IReady reading Determine Wrord Meaning Using Context Clues
Scholastic News "Elephants" Reading Checkpoint #1-4
Benchmark book write 6 annotations
IReady math Understand What a Fraction Is
IReady reading Determine Wrord Meaning Using Prefixes pre- and mis-
Scholastic News "This Plant Stinks" Watch Video #1-3
Benchmark book write 6 annotations
IReady math Fractions on a Number Line
IReady reading Determine Wrord Meaning Using Suffixes -ful and -less
Scholastic News "This Plant Stinks" Read and Think #1-4
Benchmark book write 6 annotations
IReady math Find Equivalent Fractions
IReady reading Determine Wrord Meaning Using Suffixes -tion and -ous
Scholastic News "This Plant Stinks" Three Gross Plants
Benchmark book write 6 annotations
IReady math Comparing Fractions
IReady reading Determine Wrord Meaning In a Word Family
Scholastic News "Elephants" Word Work #1-3
Benchmark book write 6 annotations
IReady math Multiply Multiples of 10
IReady reading Determine Wrord Meaning Using Context Clues
Scholastic News "Elephants" Word Work #1-3
Benchmark book write 6 annotations
IReady math Multiply Multiples of 10
IReady reading Determine Wrord Meaning Using Context Clues
Scholastic News Reading Checkpoint
Benchmark book story elements
IReady math Use place value to add within 1,000
reading Recount story events
Scholastic News watch video on Elephants
Benchmark book story elements
IReady math Use place value to subtract within 1,000
reading Find main idea and details
Scholastic News Read and Think #1-4
Benchmark book story elements
IReady math Add and subtract within 1,000
reading Describe relationship in Scientific texts
Scholastic News Problem and Solution #1-4
Benchmark book story elements
IReady math Add and subtract within 1,000
reading Ask questions about story
Scholastic News Problem and Solution #1-4
Benchmark book story elements
IReady math Add and subtract within 1,000
reading Recount key details
Monday 23 I-Ready math and reading
Tuesday 24 I-Ready math and reading
Wednesday 25 I-Ready math and reading
Thursday 26 I-Ready math and reading
Friday 27 I-Ready
Monday 23 read Benchmark book and write summary
Tuesday 24 read Benchmark book and write summary
Wednesday 25 Complete administrative writing prompt
Thursday 26 read Benchmark book and write summary
Friday 27 read Benchmark book and write a summary
Monday p4 #1-4
Tuesday Video "1-3
Wednesday Read and Think #1-5
Thursday Word Work #1, 3-4 and Bonus Question
Friday Help Tammi Catch Poachers Part 1 and Part 2
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