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    Robert Halmi Sr. Academy of Film and Television

    2024 - 2025

    Ms. Tartaglione email:  mtartaglione@yonkerspublicschools.org

    Grade 6 ENGLISH

    Lights …. CAMERA …. MAGIC!

    Learning through The Grade 6 ELA Next Generation Learning Standards https://www.nysed.gov/sites/default/files/68elastandardsglance.pdf


    Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world, personally meaningful projects.


    WHO… Grade 6 ELA Student Performers


    WHAT … English Language Arts (Reading, WRITING, Listening, Speaking and   

                       Language) Resources: Benchmark, IXL, IREADY.


    WHY… Key Ideas in Details, Craft and Structure, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas. Text type Purposes, Research to Build and Present Knowledge, Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas. Convention of Academic English, Knowledge of Language, Vocabulary Acquisition and Use.


    WHERE… Robert Halmi Sr. Academy of Film and Television Room #208


    WHEN… Class 601: Period 1, Class 602: Period 6, Class 603: Period 8.


    Grading Policy: Attendance: 25%, Participation: 25%, Projects 25%, and Assessments 25%.

    A black and white image of a movie clapperDescription automatically generated    Here’s to a PRODUCTIVE YEAR WITH OUR GRADE 6 PERFORMERS!




    Ms. Tartaglione Grade 6 ELA:                                    RHA 2024-2025


    Parent/ Guardian Information:



    Name of Student: ___________________________________________________



    Class: ________________



    Parent /Guardian Name: ___________________________________________



    Address: _____________________________________________________





    Phone Number: ________________________________________________



    Email:  _____________________________________________________.


    Please email me with any questions or concerns unless it is an emergency. Call the Robert Halmi Sr. Academy for Film and Television at 914-376-8057.


    Thank you,


    Ms. Tartaglione.   

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