• A blue and green logoDescription automatically generated Ms. Tartaglione 

    Theatre Grade 6


    This is Where the Magic Happens…


    Course Objective: 

    This course will assist students in developing acting skills and learning the fundamentals of theatre. The purpose of this course is to enable students to build upon fundamental skills in the elements of theatre as a collaborative art. Students will explore theater history and influences, technical theater, design, playwriting, script elements, and acting.



    Students will participate in several performances throughout the school year. As these dates are chosen, they will be posted on my website. The performances will allow students to create and engage in skits, short plays, and collaborative performing arts performances at RHA.


    Materials List:  

    • Notebook
    • Pencils or 
      Pens, Markers
    • Folder
    • Props (as needed for performances)



    Students will be evaluated on the following:

     Class Assignments 25%

     Participation 25%

     Projects 25%

     Performances 25%


    A black and white cameraDescription automatically generated

    Engagement Policy:

    Enjoy and have FUN learning through THEATRICS.




    Homework will be assigned as extended assignments may be necessary to prepare for a project or upcoming performance. Any homework will be posted on MY TEACHER PAGE for students to refer to and copy to their agendas.



     If you need to contact me, please email me mtartaglione@yonkerspublicschools.org





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