• Weekly homework assignments will be sent home on Mondays in student folders.

    Students should also access Clever at home.  Once they log in, they will be able to access the class page and practice skills worked on in class.  It is important for them to work on these skills to reinforce what is learned in school and strengthen understanding. 

    Parents: please allow your child to do their own work! You may assist as far as reading directions, showing examples, reading to them, etc. but they should be doing the work.  Remember-  it is OK to make a mistake because they help us to learn!

    Clever Log In:
    Clever Badges will be sent home. Hold the badge up to your device camera.
    Username:      studentID@yonkerspublicschools.org (example: 00000@yonkerspublicschools.org)
    Password:       *sent via Class Dojo

K-2 Assignments