Ms. Loyce Thomas
Phone: (914) 376-8565
According to Albert Einstein, "Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." This quote relates to the standards of the NYS English Language Arts curriculum for students are expected to read and write for multiple purposes, including for learning and for pleasure, persevere through challenging, complex texts, enrich personal language, background knowledge, and vocabulary through reading and communicating with others, and make connections to self, other texts, ideas, cultures, eras, etc. In other words, students should be analytical thinkers who look beyond the words on the page.
Supplies for English Class
- Notebook
- loose-leaf
- Folder
- Pen
- Required Text
7th Grade Texts
- A long Walk to Water, Linda Sue Park
- Liddy, Katherine Paterson
- We Beat the Street, Dr. Sampson Davis et al
- The Giver, Lois Lowry
8th Grade Texts
- Inside Out and Back Again, Thanhha Lai
- Unbroken, Laura Hillenbrand
- The Outsiders, S. E. Hinton
- Monster, Walter Dean Myers