Phone: (914) 376-8595


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Jeanne Marie Grippo


Hello Second Grade Families!
Please refer to the supply list below. Please do not add extra items. Your child only needs what is listed. Anything else will be provided if necessary. Thank you! I am looking forward to an amazing school year! 

Best always, 
Mrs. Grippo

"There is more treasure in books than in all the loot on Treasure Island." - Walt Disney 

Ms. Montemurro (Speech) can be contacted at

Mrs. Tewes (Reading) can be contacted at






  • 2 hardcover composition notebooks (wide rule ONLY)
    3 sturdy 2-pocket folders (plastic or vinyl with pockets on bottom)

    2 dozen #2 pencils (Ticonderoga brand only)
    1 box 24 count Crayola crayons
    1 pair of safety scissors
    2- large boxes of tissues

    2 rolls of paper towels

    No hard pencil boxes or hand sharpeners, please.   

    *Please try to have all supplies in on the first day of school.
    Thank you.
    -Second Grade Teachers

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