September 2024
Dear Sixth Grade Families,
I would like to welcome new families to our school community and welcome back current families! I am proud to partner with you in your child's education. While I am sure you are holding on tightly to the remaining days of summer, I wanted to outline some important details for the start of the school year!
Supply List:
If you haven't already purchased supplies, then the list for math and science can be accessed from the school website, as well as this TEACHER PAGE, but I will send home a hard copy on the first day.
Arrival and Dismissal Schedule:
All students should be in class by 8:35am and dismissal is at 3:10 for students walking home alone or students that are picked up by an adult. If your child is designated to walk home alone, then please send a note/email stating your intent. Thank you!
Open House:
Thursday, September 19, 2024
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me and make sure to write your child's name in the subject heading. I will do my best to respond by the next school day, if not sooner!
Absences/Early Dismissal:
If your child is absent or needs to be picked up early, then please call the office at 914-376-8570.
An absence note is required upon returning to school.