Chasse, Suzanne
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Title I Reading Lab

Phone: 914-376-8570
Degrees and Certifications:
English 7-12 Reading N-12
Miss Suzanne Chasse
Title I Reading Lab 2024-25
Welcome back parents, students and guardians,
I hope everyone had a restful and exciting summer. I am very excited to be back to give Title I reading and writing services. This school year I will be working primarily with grades K-2. I will be pushing in to classrooms to assist the classroom teacher in small group instruction.
**PARENTS: If your child has been selected to receive Title I pull-out services, please be on the lookout for a notification letter. Notifications will go out the week of 10/9. Parents, please sign and return.
I look forward to having a fun and exciting school year filled with learning!
Parents and students please also use the online resources provided on Clever for extended learning!
Parents and students can email me with any questions or concerns at this address:
I look forward to seeing all of you!!
Ms. Chasse
New resource available for parents and students:
username: yonkers
password: yonkers (case sensitive)
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Current Assignments
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