Below is information and forms regarding laptop loans.

  • Laptops for Quarantine

    In the event that your child must quarantine, you will be able to sign out a laptop. 

    • If you are asked to pick your child up, you can sign-out a laptop when you arrive at the school.
    • If your child was out of school when asked to quarantine, please email Mr. Lloyd Poholsky, Assistant Principal ( to arrange pick-up of a laptop.



    • You will be asked to fill-out and submit the District Income Data Form (below) for all laptop loans.
    • If you are able to, please print and complete the below Income Data Form, and bring it with you when you pick up.
    • Forms are also available at the school.

    Income Eligibility Campaign Flyer

    Income Data Form - Espanol

    Income Data Form - English


    Returning Devices:

    • Please make sure all devices are clearly (but not permanently) labeled with your childs name.
    • Laptop and charger makes one complete device, please make sure you return both parts.
    • Any missing chargers/damaged devices will be recorded and reported to the district.
    • Devices can be returned to the school safety officer or main office Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM.



    Also, please register for the parent portal using the link below.

    Parent Portal


    For devices that require tech support, please contact the helpdesk:
