Warrens-O Buck, Kerri
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Welcome to Kindergarten!

Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Kerri Warrens ( Julianna Jozan)
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year. I know that this time is challenging for everyone, but we are all in this together. I want to take this opportunity to provide some details about how our virtual teaching model will work.
The Kindergarten classes will be using Microsoft Teams as the primary platform for video conferencing. In order for your child to access the video conferencing on Teams, you will need to set up your Microsoft 365 account. Instructions for this can be found on the Yonkers Public School website. You will need a username and password to log in to Microsoft Teams. Your child’s username is their six-digit ID number, followed by @yonkerspublicschools.org. Their password for the log in will be their birthday using all eight digits. Please make sure that you set up your Microsoft 365 account so that we will be ready to video conference on Tuesday, September 8, 2020.
Username: 123456@yonkerspublicschools.org (using your child’s ID)
Password: 02022008 (using your child’s birthday)
You and your child can also access the Clever website. Clever provides students a simple way to use one log in to access different learning programs. I have created a Clever class page and your child is free to log in on their own time and use any one of the learning programs that will be available to them. As you will notice, I have categorized the learning programs based on subject.
Many of the student assignments will be posted on Seesaw. You can access Seesaw through Clever. I will be posting assignments on Seesaw that will be due by the end of the day it is assigned. It is also a fantastic website for asynchronous activities and promotes student engagement while they are practicing various skills.
Our main source of communication will be through “Class Dojo.” This is application that you can download on your phone and it is a great way for us to communicate on a daily basis via text messaging.
Lastly, please email me at my school email address so that I can begin to set up a class distribution list. As stated above, our main form of communication will be through Class Dojo, however there may be times when I need to share things over email as well.
I am very excited to meet you all next week and look forward to being your child’s substitute teacher they begin Kindergarten.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email of phone call to the school.
Julianna Jozan