Deborah Grace, School Psychologist - Office: Medical Suite

Phone: (914) 376-8250


Degrees and Certifications:

Deborah Grace

Hello PEARLS Families,

I have had the privilege to get to know many of you and your children.   I know these are trying and unprecedented times and I want to be available to our PEARLS community.  Please feel free to reach out and contact me.  I will be available Monday through Friday 8:30am-12:00pm.  You can reach me through my email during my availability time frame.

Below I have provided some helpful tips to continue to engage your children as we live in Our Collective New Reality of educating from home as one can only imagine how so much of this could be confusing for adolescents, children and especially younger children.

Helpful Tips

1.  Before you begin to discuss or re-discuss the new expectations of education at home, take a few deep breaths and remember YOU are the adult in your home. - You set the tone; the more at ease you seem, the more at ease your child will be.

2.  Speak to your child in a calm and age appropriate language when there are questions and any concerns they may come up with about the expectations of completing school work even though they are at home. - Explain that although they won't be going into their school building for some time, it is actually Not the same as "Holiday breaks" so they are expected to continue with their education.  Remind yourself as well as them that contacting their teachers via email can be helpful with any questions about assignments or help needed.

3.  Children excel when they feel empowered.  As a parent create a checklist outline and ask for their input to be utilized as a daily structured scheduled.....including the following:

*A quiet, comfortable and appropriate workspace in the home.

*List times for work to be completed in each subject, snacks, lunch and physical breaks.

*Incorporate fun and engaging learning activities like educational games and arts & crafts.

*Create a Reward System / Positive Reinforcement Checklist if you see that your child needs motivation. -The child can check off items that they completed like "math work" or "sight words" or "a book report"--As children are more likely to engage happily and enjoy learning when they feel accomplished.

4.  Most importantly schedule time for age appropriate "meditation" or "mindfulness practice" each day for all children and especially if they experience mental health symptoms or have diagnoses such as Autism, anxiety, depression, decreased attention function and or dysregulation.  There are many of these resources online: GOOGLE some ahead of time independently or with your child if they are old enough and then select age appropriate choices.  The "STAR Breathing" technique can be used with ease and can be found online.

Parents please Remember to take the time to take care of YOURSELF-when you as parents are well and calm, our children are more likely to be well and they certainly feel increasingly secure! 

Be Calm, Safe and Well,

D. Grace, School Psychologist