- Casimir Pulaski School
- Welcome Back Letter
Oliveira, Laura
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September 2, 2020
Welcome Back Casimir Pulaski Middle School Families,
We are looking forward to navigating this unique academic year with you. We invite you to log on to our Casimir Pulaski teacher pages https://www.yonkerspublicschools.org/pulaski and click on “Staff;” find your child’s teachers’ names in order to visit our virtual classrooms and familiarize yourselves with your teachers, our subject areas and our instructional tools. We have provided various links and curricula information in each of our classrooms.
Families, in order to prepare for the month of September and our distance learning plans, we encourage you to visit the Yonkers Public Schools website, click on “Distance Learning” and then click on “Parents.” You will see that the district has provided tutorials on how to access and use Microsoft Teams, which will be our main tool for communication and delivering instruction to students. They have also provided a tutorial and information on Nearpod, which is another instructional app that allows teachers to create and deliver engaging and interactive instruction to students. Also, when you visit the Casimir Pulaski website at https://www.yonkerspublicschools.org/pulaski and click on Microsoft 365 Video Tutorials, you will see a wealth of instructional videos regarding tools and completing tasks on Microsoft Teams.
School will begin remotely on Tuesday, September 8th. You will be receiving updates and notifications as we approach this date. Please continue to check the Casimir Pulaski homepage for updates and notifications. We look forward to learning with you soon!
The Casimir Pulaski Middle School Team
Brian Cozzali – Health
Nicole Keller – Physical Education
Mary Flaherty – English
Laura Oliveira – Social Studies
Anjinette Piccirella – Science
Jessica Piccoli - Math