Music Class Expectations

  • Always try your best, give 100% 

    Respect your fellow students, yourself, and the adults in the auditorium or room

    Follow directions when given

    Practice your songs, vocalize, and theory lessons

    Listen, encourage, and appreciate others

    Be creative and open-minded

    Practice proper audience etiquette while watching a performance or concert

    Complete all assignments

    For up-coming Music Assignments, check under "Assignments" for song lyrics, music, theory, instrumental music assignments, and video selections.


    Virtual Meeting Procedures/Expectations:

    We will be working together and communicating by Microsoft Teams and Class Dojo.  Homework assignments and quizzes will be through Microsoft Teams. If music classes are held virtually, they will be on Microsoft Teams.

    • Be on time
    • Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the class
    • Turn on camera. Camera must be on at all times
    • Mute microphone and keep it off until I ask you to unmute
    • Raise your hand when you have a question
    • Wait for your turn
    • Speak up and speak clearly when answering or asking a question
    • Be respectful of others
    • Turn off TV and or radio in the background
    • No food or toys during the class