

Degrees and Certifications:

MS Adolescent Education (7-12) Mathematics BA Mathematics & Information Technology Minor: Business Management

Mr. Sean X. Williams



7th Grade Math Syllabus

Barack Obama School

Mr. S. Williams

2022 – 2023


Contact Information:

Email: -

Phone:  REMIND access code below (text only) Room: 311

School Hours:  M - F 7:45 am – 2:29 pm

Extra Help Hours: Tues 2:30 pm – 3:20 pm.


701 - barackp2

702 - barackp3

703 - barackp6

704 - barackp7

705 - barackp8

Conferences are available by appointment. The best way for parents and students to reach me is via REMIND.



The Yonkers Public School district is committed to preparing all learners for the opportunities of today and tomorrow in a culture of inquiry. All are encouraged to take initiative for their own development, think critically, actively listen, participate fully and acquire decision-making and leadership skills.


Core Values: Everyone in Yonkers Public Schools will:

  • Treat all with dignity and respect
  • Make every decision guided by student achievement
  • Develop the ‘whole child’
  • Support every educator in the pursuit of learning for professional growth
  • Connect the school, home, and community in all activities
  • Involve all in student success

District Goals:

Goal 1 – Student Achievement

  • Provide curricula that foster high levels of student achievement that embed 21st Century Skills.

Goal 2 – Professional Development

  • Continue to develop and enhance current practices and efforts in order to ensure teacher growth leading to enhanced student learning outcomes.

Goal 3 – Data Driven Culture

  • Create a schoolwide culture based on high expectations and accountability.

Goal 4 – Student Needs

  • Establish a community that supports students with diverse social and emotional needs for student growth and development.

Goal 5 – Stakeholder Involvement/Engagement

Develop the family and the community infrastructure to support student success


Course Description:  The curriculum for this course aligns with the College and Career

Readiness Standards for Mathematics which may be viewed on the New York State Department of Education website


Curriculum:  This year the students will be using the following curriculum: eMATHinstruction – N-Gen Math 7 ™ .   Students will also be responsible for completing their homework assignments in the eMATHinstruction workbook, on and through the use of the IXL online learning platform (  which is provided by our district.


Ratios and Proportional Relationships (RP)

  • Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real‐world and mathematical problems

The Number System (NS)

  • Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers

Expressions and Equations (EE)

  • Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions
  • Solve real‐life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations

Geometry (G)

  • Draw, construct and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them
  • Solve real‐life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume

Statistics and Probability (SP)

  • Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population
  • Draw informal comparative inferences about two populations
  • Investigate chance processes, and develop, use, and evaluate probability models



Remind is a communication platform that helps educators reach students and parents where they are. Fast: Messages are sent in real time to an entire class, a small group, or just a single person. I will use this application to schedule announcements ahead of time and attach photos and other files.


Delta Math

Delta Math is an online math program (grades 7-12) that we will be utilizing this year to complete certain homework assignments, which will also be used to track student’s mastery progress.  The Teacher Code to sign up for Delta Math is:  405011



Students are expected to bring appropriate materials to each class.

  • 1 marble notebook
  • 1 folder
  • Highlighters
  • Looseleaf paper
  • eMATHinstruction workbook
  • Pencils with erasers or erasable pens
  • Red and blue pens for corrections and grading
  • TI 34 Scientific Calculator or TI-84 Graphing Calculator for homework use


Classroom Rules:  District policies are followed as outlined in the school-wide Student Code of

Conduct. Rules are based on a foundation of Respect & Accountability.

Behavioral standards/expectations:

  • Be on-time for class.
  • Complete all assignments to the best of your ability.
  • Seek assistance when needed.
  • Respect yourself, others, and their property.
  • Be prepared to learn with proper books and supplies.
  • Dispose of gum, candy, food, and drinks when entering the classroom.
  • All electronic devices, headphones and ear plugs must be off at all times and put away during class time. (I do not want to see them at all!!!)
  • Please stay seated until I dismiss you!
  • Please refrain from eating and drinking – water is permitted, but do not abuse this concession!


The progression of consequences if rules aren’t followed:

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Change in seating assignment
  3. Complete goal sheet (parent asked to sign and return)
  4. Parent/Teacher Conference
  5. Office Referral

**In some cases, some or all of these steps may be skipped depending on the level of the offense.



Homework is an important part of learning and mastering math concepts. Students should expect to have 15-30 minutes of math homework Monday through Thursday in order to reinforce concepts taught during class. Students receive credit for the assignment, provided they show their work, document reasonable effort, and turn the assignment in on time.


Late Homework

Students are expected to complete assignments on time. In the event of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to check with his/her class buddy for missed work and notes. If there are extenuating circumstances that caused the assignment to be late, parents should email me to make arrangements. Any assignment that is not submitted within 1 week of the due date will remain a zero in the gradebook until the student submits the assignments, and will receive 15% off from their original grade.

Grading Criteria

  • 35% - Homework
  • 25% - Classwork
  • 20% - Assessments
  • 10% - Quizzes
  • 10% - Participation
  • Any assignment that is not submitted by the end of the unit of study or two weeks prior to the end of the semester (teacher discretion), will remain a zero in the grade book.
  • Homework must be complete and “on-time” (ready at the beginning of class).
  • All written assignments need to be done in pencil or an erasable pen.
  • All supporting work must be shown for each problem. (Defend your answers!)
  • Identify answers by boxing or circling them.
  • Extra credit will be offered after the first month of each marking period.


Laptops will be issued to the students and used in the classroom for educational purposes.

Students and parents will be required to sign and adhere to the District Technology Policies and

the User Agreement.


Plagiarism/Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is expected on all assignments. Plagiarism is defined as presenting the work

of another as one’s own. Cheating on an assignment or assessment is another activity that

violates ethics and school rules. Any work that exhibits cheating/plagiarism, will result in a

zero, parental notification, and disciplinary action may be taken.