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Phone: 914) 297-7194
Degrees and Certifications:
BS in History from Iona College MS in Education from Iona College
Mrs. P. Arenas
Hello Everyone and welcome to Global History and Geography II. I have been teaching in Yonkers for twenty years. I have taught grades 7-12 in many different schools throughout Yonkers. I am currently teaching at Palisade Preparatory School Global History for 10th graders and serve as the Social Studies Department Liaison. I have three children of my own two boys and a girl. I am really excited to be your teacher. I can't wait to explore and have fun with you.
Students you are living during a remarkable time of change. We will be studying global history, historical events and how these events shaped the world we live in today.
We will be using Microsoft Teams as our platform.
To log on to TEAMS use your student id#@yonkerspublicschools.org
password is your eight digit birthdate (ex; 04192005)please do not change these passwords