Learners grow & succeed when we tap into their strengths, at the level we meet them.
Purpose: I empower every learner with multimedia tools and instructional strategies, to make English Language Arts [ELA] more accessible, for academic success. Go!
Course Description: This class provides Reading & Writing assignments, projects, and skills practice to
• Support language acquisition & growth in content subjects.
• Help develop English Language Arts skills
• Motivate and encourage a love of reading.
• Encourage a positive attitude towards writing.
Daily Supply List:
1. Notebook
2. Pen, pencil, highlighter
3. Independent Reading Book
Grading Policy:
A. Classwork: For each class, students earn up to 20 points as follows:
• Up to 10 points for classwork completion.
• Up to 10 points for Responsible Studentship.
B. Projects: Students use “Book Creator” to produce multimedia books, where students integrate reading, writing, and language arts, into their creative projects.
** Late Projects: Will be accepted up to 3 days with an automatic 10% deduction.
Extra Help: Tuesdays 2:35 – 3:25 in room 314
Powerschool Parent Log in: Yonkersps.powerschool.com/public for grades. CODE: RDXR
Click HERE for Guidance
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for the future.” - Malcom X