I am so excited to be your teacher this 2024-2025 school year! Health class will be so much fun AND interesting if you allow it! Health is not just about your body, it is SO much more. It is about LIFE! You will learn skills crucial to YOU outside of school and in the real world!Our class will consist of many discussions. The more involved, the deeper and more interesting our conversations and learning will be!
The most important materials I ask you to bring are a journal and folder every class. The journal we will use for everything we do and I guarantee you will fill it with some of the most meaningful ideas, thoughts, feelings and lessons you can imagine. The folder will be used to collect and keep track of all of the important handouts, worksheets and assignments you will need for the year.
Please see the course syllabus for more information and a breakdown of units and grading for the school year.
Families, please read the welcome letter so you know what to expect for your child :)