Welcome to 7th & 8th Grade Math!

Phone: (914) 376-8430
Degrees and Certifications:
Master of Science Degree in Secondary Math Education (7-12) - Mercy College
Mrs. D'Ambroso
Hello Middle School Students & Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
I am excited to begin the 2024 - 2025 school year! I am looking forward to a great school year with you and your child.
This year, the 7th graders and only the 8–2 students will be using the iReady Math Program, which supports the implementation of the NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards. Whereas, the 8-1 students will be taking the 8th Grade Algebra I Course. This Algebra 1 course is a blend of both 8th grade Math and High School Algebra I.
Within my math classroom, your child will learn to work cooperatively within a team of students to share ideas, collaborate, and view multiple math strategies. Within each team, students will work together to discover and solve problems while I support and guide students' thinking. This style of teaching will allow students to discover math and develop their own mathematical skills in a different way. Mistakes are viewed as a learning tool within my math classroom because it illustrate that your child is developing a deeper understanding of the mathematics we are learning.
Every child is capable of working to his or her highest potential. Therefore, for your child to be successful in school, I will also need your support in achieving this. First, carefully read the math syllabus and grading policy brochure that will be given to your child on the first day of school. Secondly, please encourage your child to complete his/her math homework when assigned, study prior to tests or quizzes, and to come to school prepared daily. Lastly and most importantly, make sure your child arrives at school on time and avoid excessive absences.
I believe that when parents and teachers work together, children excel in school. It is important to keep an open line of communication. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I can be contacted via telephone at 914-376-8430, via e-mail mdambroso@yonkerspublicschools.org , or via Class Dojo if you are signed up. I thank you in advance for your support and I look forward to a wonderful school year.
Mrs. Mayra D’Ambroso
7th & 8th Grade Math Teacher