Math Class Syllabus




    Feel free to contact me with any questions and/or concerns you may have. My office hours are Monday-Friday. 7:30-2:30  

    Remind 101: individual class codes will be handed out separately   




    • Red three-subject spiral notebook  

    • Homework planner/notebook  

    • Red Folder 

    • Pencils 

    • Pencil Sharpener 

    • Eraser (no cap erasers) 

    • Ruler 

    • Highlighter 

    • Glue Stick 

    • Skinny Expo markers with eraser  

    • Ear buds 

    • Computer mouse (optional) 




    The learning process is measured and feedback is given through classroom assignment, tests/quizzes, homework, projects, and class participation.  Grades are earned based on an average of the grades received for all assignments during the marking period. 

    Grading Rubric: 

    A- 90% - 100%  

    B- 80% - 89%  

    C – 70% - 79% 

    D- 60% - 69% 

    F – Less than a 60% 

    ** All test papers and graded assignments MUST be signed and returned the next day. Getting tests/projects signed is considered a homework assignment. If they are not returned the next day, students will receive a zero for that assignment**  



    If your child is absent, it is his or her responsibility to get any classwork, notes, or homework they have missed.  If in doubt, they may ask me for the missing assignments.  Upon return, students are also responsible for turning in any work that was due the day they missed. The due date for make-up work is based on how many absences were incurred: 1 day absent – 1 day to turn it in. 2 days absent – 2 days to turn it in. If a student misses an exam due to an excused absence, he or she will take the make-up exam on the day of their return. 



    Homework is an important reinforcement of the day’s lessons. Research has shown that homework helps children practice what has been learned during the day, increasing their ability to retain and recall what they have learned and improve their memory. Therefore, it is extremely important that all homework is completed every night. Tasks vary depending on the assignment.  Students will be responsible for writing down all homework assignments. Homework is NOT posted online.  

    ** Homework will be given daily.** 



    Students are expected to complete ALL homework.  Homework is expected when it is due.  All missing assignments will receive a 0.   If there is a valid excuse for not doing an assignment, it must be documented with a message on Remind or note from home that morning.  If a student does not complete their daily homework, they will receive a zero and a “no homework” slip to be signed by their parents to bring in the next day. If the homework is not made up and/or the “no homework” slip is not brought back signed the next day, students will receive another zero.  

    If a student is missing a project or take-home assignment other than the daily homework, they may make up their assignment for the next day to have their “zero” removed. If they do not, a “zero” for the missing assignment will remain.  Full credit will not be given for any late work, unless the student is absent.  

    Five incompletes equal a zero towards their homework grade. If a child receives 5 “zeros” during the marking period, it will begin to affect their report card grade.  




    In order to create a classroom in which all children learn self-control, accountability, and respect, discipline will need to be a priority.  All students must adhere to ALL rules and consistency and parental follow-up is extremely important. Please take time to speak with your child at home to remind them how important that is.   

    The rules are as follows: 

    1. Always raise your hand and wait to be called on. 
    2. Always listen to the teacher and classmates and wait for your turn to speak 
    3. Always respect the teacher, classmates, and school property. 
    4. Always ask for permission before leaving your seat and the classroom. 
    5. Always work quietly and cooperatively.