November 8, 2023
Welcome back to the 2023-2024 school year. The school year has started off nicely and students are doing well in PT overall. Please feel free to reach out anytime if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns.
Be well:)
Margaret Petty, MPT
January 5, 2022
Happy Wednesday parents/guardians:
Just wanted to touch base as we hit the mid week point of remote instruction this week. I have talked with some of you. Hope everyone is hanging in and keepiing safe/healthy as much as possible.
Please feel free to reach out via email at mpetty@yonkerspublicschools.org if you have any questions and I will try to help as best as I can.
Looking forward to seeing the kids next week:)
Take care,
Margaret Petty, MPT
September 14, 2021
Welcome back PT families to the 2021-2022 school year! I hope that this note is finding you all well and ready to begin a new year in PT. I am very excited to have everyone back in school with me and am looking forward to a great year together in person.
Please feel free to reach out via your student's communication book and/or contact me via email mpetty@yonkerspublic schools.org with any comments, questions or concerns that you may have. I am happy to answer what I can and help you in any way posssible.
Looking forward to hearing from you:)
Margaret Petty, MPT
February 3, 2021
Good afternoon parents/guardians,
Just wanted to reach out to let you know that should we have any further days off due to inclement weather, we will most likely be working remotely. If I experience a down internet or power outage as a result of the weather and can not log into teams, there are some assignments and videos listed in the folder to the left entitled ELECTRONIC SUB FOLDER. Please click on that to access some activities that you can do with your child should I not be able to connect with you.
Hopefully, that will not be the case and all will work out for everyone.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Take care,
January 4, 2021
Hi Parents/Guardians,
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a nice break and were able to spend some time relaxing and/or having fun.
Just a reminder that teams meetings are all scheduled this week as the district is fully remote. Please make sure to log into PT during your scheduled time slot and participate with some exercises. As a reminder, I am available should you have any questions, concerns, etc.
Hope to see you all:)
Take care,
December 3, 2020
Good morning PT families/guardians:
Just touching base and hoping you are all well and healthy. I am in contact with many of you regularly via remote learning as well as those who connect with me via email.
I want to take the time to thank you for your help and feedback with servicing your children in physical therapy. It is a great way for us to work together while continuting to navigate through the pandemic.
I am always available to you if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Please feel free to reach out.
Have a great day:)
November 10, 2020
Hello parents/guardians:
I hope today is finding you all well and healthy and possibly enjoying some of the beautiful weather we have been experiencing.
Just touching base to let you all know that so far your students have been doing well with me in PT. We have our usual challenges but I am pleased that everyone has really adjusted nicely.
Please continue to reach out as needed. I am always happy to help where I can and answer any questions you may have.
An important reminder that I do still have a few outstanding PT prescriptions and they are needed to be able to provide services. Thank you for your attention regarding this matter.
Have a great day:)
October 22,2020
Hello Parents/Guardians:
Just checking in and hoping you are all continuing to do well with the current school year regardless of how your student is participating--in person or remote.
We are in full swing and i think doing well for the most part with PT. Everyone is adjusting and doing what they need to do.
I am available to answer any questions, give suggestions, etc so always feel free to reach out. I will do what I can.
Lastly, just a reminder to get those prescriptions in. I am still waiting on a few and would love to get the kids going.
October 8, 2020
Good morning Parents/Guardians,
Just a reminder that virtual Open House is this evening. PT is scheduled from 7:30-7:45 pm. Please refer to your son/daugthers's Teams calender where it should be scheduled so you can log in if you are available to do so.
See you then:)
October 2, 2020
Good afternoon parents/guardians,
Happy Friday!! I hope this note is finding you well and eager to start next week with in person learning for those of you who have opted for that. I am excited to see you all and am equally excited to maintain my remote learners as we have been doing the last few weeks.
Please keep the prescriptions coming for those that still need to send them in. They are imperative for PT programming.
As I have mentioned to many of you, please keep the lines of communication open as much as possible. We can only be successful together. This is a challenging time I realize for many. I am happy to help in any way that I can to make this transition as smooth as possible while still providing sound PT services to your children.
Thank you so much. Have a great weekend:)
September 29, 2020
Good afternoon Parents/Guardians:
I can't believe that we are at the end of the month already and will be starting in person school next week. I am so excited to see those of you who will be returning next week and I am equally excited to continue with my remote learners.
Please make sure if you haven't connected with me yet to do so. I am always available via email at mpetty@yonkerspublicschools.org. I am happy to help you in any way that I can and answer any questions you may have.
Keep those PT prescriptions coming. They are essential to participate in a PT program.
Thank you so much:)
September 22, 2020
Hi Parents/Guardians,
I hope this message is finding you all well. Physical therapy is under way and I have had a chance to see and hear from some of you. I am looking forward to hearing from all of you. Please connect with me at mpetty@yonkerspublicschools.org. It is important that we get your students' updated physical therapy prescriptions in place and I am eager to hear how everyone is doing.
Thank you so much,
September 18, 2020
Dear Parents,
I hope that you are doing well and adjusting to the current school year. One day at a time we are getting there:)
As we close out this week, I would like to touch base and remind everyone that physical therapy services are beginning next week. It is necessary to have prescriptions in place before I begin services so please get them in as soon as you can so that I can finalize a schedule.
I am looking forward to getting our physical therapy program under way.
Stay well and have a nice weekend:)
September 14, 2020
Dear Parents,
I have sent you all individual emails today with important information regarding physical therapy. Please take a look at your earliest convenience. Looking forward to getting our new school year under way.
Have a good night:)
Phone: 914-376-8585
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Margaret Petty
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to the 2020-2021 school year. I hope this note is finding you all healthy and well. I am very excited to get this year started and working together to create new opportunities for all of the students who receive physical therapy.
Further details coming soon:)