Welcome to Our Fifth Grade Class at Westchester Hills School 29!

Phone: 914-376-8585
Degrees and Certifications:
M.A. Educational Leadership from Manhattanville M.S.T. Education from Pace University B.A. from Fordham University
Ms. Hogan's Page
My name is Yvonne Hogan and I am so excited to be working with your child this year! I am looking forward to sharing a wonderful year in 5th grade with its exciting curriculum! Fifth grade is a big transitional year for the students as they prepare for middle school. We shall work together on this exciting journey!
I am very active with Class Dojo, and I feel this is the easiest way for us to communicate. Class Dojo is used for reminders, assignments, and announcements. I have uploaded all students to Class Dojo. Please be sure to check that you are connected to my class, and if you are not, please send me an email that includes your full name, child's name and cell phone number.
I look forward to working with you this school year in helping your child succeed. Please contact me with your concerns.
Microsoft Teams - Click "Ms. Hogan's 5th Grade"
Click HERE for a video to help you set up teams.
Click HERE for a video about using teams with the class and classmates.
Additional information for Teams can be found HERE
Our Daily Schedule will be as follows:
8:35 - 9:10 Morning Meeting/Review
9:10 - 9:45 Exploring Literature With Our Daily Skill Trait
9:45 -10:55 Comprehension/Vocabulary/Grammar/Spelling
11:00 -12:00 LUNCH
12:05 -12:55 Math
12:55 - 1:25 Social Studies
1:25 - 1:55 Prep Period
1:55 - 2:25 Science
2:25 - 3:05 Reflective Journal Writing/Community Meeting
Prep Periods:
Monday - Library
Tuesday - Art
Wednesday - Music
Thursday - Gym
Friday - Special Coverage
We will have a wonderful online educational journey together!
Ms. Hogan
Assignments can be found on Microsoft One Note under the section Sub Plans in the event of an absence or a schoolwide emergency.
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Current Assignments
There are no current assignments.