• Class Expectations:


    Please create a routine with your child, he or she will be more likely to cooperate with you and completing assignments if they know what is coming next.  I suggest the following schedule:

    Morning Schedule

    ADL’s : Activities of Daily Living skills

    Toileting- If this is not a mastered skill for your child, please speak with me as I am assisting parents with a program to maximize on this “opportunity” to get training done.

    Handwashing- Have your child wash their hands following this task analysis break down of the steps for handwashing. https://afirm.fpg.unc.edu/sites/afirm.fpg.unc.edu/files/covid-resources/Support%20Understanding-Handwashing%20%28Photos%29.pdf


    Brushing Teeth- Follow task analysis picture schedule to assist your child in task becoming independent when learning to brush teeth. (to be posted)  


    Dressing- Follow task analysis of getting dressed from head to toe.(to be posted)


    Eating- Allow and encourage your child to utilize utensils during mealtime and sit appropriately with the family during all meals.  Have your child participate by requesting food items and encourage multiple opportunities for requests by only giving small amounts of each item on his or her plate and a tiny amount of beverage to also allow for multiple requesting and pouring opportunities.  This will help increase the amount your child communicates with you because often food is a powerful reinforcer and we like to use it naturally rather than in a structured format.  The more opportunities your child has to communicate whether it is using pictures, a communication device or words, the more interactive and related to you and the rest of the world your child will feel.  


    School Day

    IF YOU ARE USING TECHNOLOGY (you may use this daily schedule)


    • Go to Webpage Assignments click on/ Calendar page
    • go on click on Starfall

    Morning work – using digital notebook

    • Name-Spelling
    • Birthday
    • Address
    • Phone Number
    • Month

    ReadingEpic website Assigned Book/Video

    Read assigned books/ watch educational videos Explore & choose books child likes!

     Do Assigned lesson

    Go Noodle Activity posted

    Lunch – Go back to Instructions for eating. This is not break time, recess is next!

    Recess- relax, watch a movie, do whatever.



    Go to your Special Area Teacher's webpage for today's assignment

    ART with Dr Talusan   or    MUSIC with Mr. Diamond    or   GYM with Coach Stahl