Please go to Class Expectations for our Daily Schedule and how to get on Clever.

Phone: 914 376-8623


Degrees and Certifications:

Certification- Grades N-6 Master's Degree-Fordham University Undergraduate -SUNY Cortland

Ms. Dawn Prattella-D'Orazio / 2023-2024


     Welcome to Pre K and K with Ms. Prattella and Ms.Jaslyn. I'm really looking forward to working with you and your child this year.  I love teaching, and I have been a teacher for nineteen years. I have taught Pre-K, K, first, second, and fifth grade. If you have any questions or concerns before the first day of school, you may email me at I don't have all of your email addresses yet. As soon as I do, I will reach out to you. You will also be able to communicate with me on Seesaw and Clever. The Seesaw app is on Clever under district resources. 

         How To Join SeeSaw

Click on the link     SeeSaw Pre-k     SeeSaw Kindergarten

Select your child's name.

Create your account.

Once I approve you, you will see content from your child.


 We will be using Microsoft Teams for live instruction and conferencing if we are remote due to weather or if we have to quarantine . Please click on Electronic Learning on our school home page and watch the Microsoft Teams video.

 Your child's username for Teams is his/her  six digit ID number with, and your child's password is his/her birthdate. Ex. 03102015