- Montessori School 31
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Vitulli, Nicholas J
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Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Vitulli
Hi, I am Mr. Vitulli, I am the resource teacher in the building. this is my 7th year in the district. I began as an aide in the district while I worked on my teaching degree. After I became certified, from Iona college, I was hired as a Teacher assistant and then went on to become a teacher. This is my fifth year in school 31 and i'm honored to be part of the team.
To log into get epic go to getepic.com/students or download the app on the phone and enter gcm2941 as the class code and find your name.
Email: Nvitulli1@yonkerspublicschools.org
Phone: (914) 438-2081
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns in regards to the school work that was sent home or any other questions you may have.
Helpful Tips:
If your child is currently having trouble accessing Clever with their school computer password they are able to gain access through the following steps:
1) Click on the "Log in with Clever" bar.
2) Enter the Student Username: 6-digit student ID followed by @yonkerspublicschools.org
Helpful Internet Resources Include:
- Khan Academy
- Castle Learning
- Prodigy
- Read Works
- Think Central
- Typing Practice
- Coding