• Daily Schedule


     Please find a general schedule for daily instruction below.

    This is the schedule to be followed each school day.

    Each child will also have an individualized schedule for related services.


    Periods   General Daily Schedule

    8:35 - 8:45


    8:50 - 9:20





    Morning Community Meeting


    9:25 - 9:55    




    10:00 - 10:30

    10:30 - 11:00


     Social Studies/Science

    **Wednesdays - Music Therapy

    Small Group ELA/Math Instruction

    Independent Work Time 

    11:00 - 12:00   Lunch/Recess
    12:00 - 12:30   Reading Group
    Benchmark Grade 4
    TA provides small group instruction 
    12:30- 1:30  


    Reading Group
    Benchmark Grade 3
    TA provides small group instruction


    1:30 - 2:00  

    Music Therapy/Art Therapy/APE

    (See Schedule Below)

    2:00 - 2:40  


    1:1 Assessments

    2:40 - 3:15  


    Afternoon Community Meeting

    SEL Check In



    Please find a special area class schedule below:

    Monday - Adaptive Physical Education (APE) 

    Tuesday - Music Therapy and Art Therapy

    Wednesday - Adaptive Physical Education (APE) & Music Therapy

    Thursday - Music Therapy and Art Therapy

    Friday - Adaptive Physical Education (APE) 



    Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this schedule. 

    We are in this together! Thank you in advance for your support and dedication to your children!