• Below you will find the Title I reading pull out and push in classes grades 1-5.

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  • Title I Reading Schedule

    9-9:30 - 5th grade pull out

    10-10:30 - 4th grade pull out

    1030-11- -3rd grade pull out

    12:30 - 1 - 2D push in

    1- 1:30 - 2E push in

    1:30- 2 - 1M push in

    2-2:30 - 1F push in



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  • Virtual schedule will be followed ONLY when the school is 100% remote learning.

     In- Person Schedule will be followed during hybrind learning.  

    Please note that if your child is 100% remote during hybrid school, they must follow the IN-PERSON schedule and log into teams for meetings at the approprita time. They will be receiving virtual instruction while the other students are in classs.

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