Sub Plans complete each task each day teacher is absent:
1. In notebook write a journal entry Question provided in hardcopy sub plans on teachers desk
2. Create flash cards with each letter on them Practice letter names and sounds with flash cards
Practice your weekly spelling and reading words.
3. Create number cards 1-20 Practice identifing numbers and one to one objects to match each number
4. Complete the ELA packet left in teachers sub plan folder
5. Read story left on teachers desk and write about favorite part in notebook
6. Complete math packet left in teachers sub folder
7. Read a book from home or log onto our Bitmoji class library and listen to a story. In your notebook write: Title, author, characters, setting and your favortite part of the book.
All emergency cards and medical information is in a red folder on the back shelf.
Class roster is located in sub folder on desk with seating chart.