Mr. Haft's Students/Families
Hello everyone,
We have made it half way through the school year. Happy 2021!
There is no doubt that we have faced many challenges, over the past year and I could'nt be any prouder of how my students have risen to those challenges.
With all the help from Staff and families we found a way to work with remote or hybrid students sucessfully to everyone's credit.
As I work closely with Ms. David and Ms. McClintock together we have formulated a strong schedule and curriculum. We are moving forward with the Benchmark reading program and Eureka math/ Engage NY.
We will continue to practice good hygiene by washing our hands, wearing masks, and social distancing.
I encourage you to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Below is the reminder of how to use your childs student usser name and password. Also, you will see my email if you wish to contact me.
Student user ID is their 6-digit id# so sign in would look like this
Student password is their birthdate so password would look like this 01232010
You may email me at
Please stay safe, wash hands, wear a mask, and social distance we are all in this together.
Mr. Haft