• mdelany

    September 5, 2024

     Dear Parents and Guardians,

     It is with great excitement that I welcome you to the 2024-2025 School year at Cesar E. Chavez School.  We look forward to working in close collaboration with you to ensure the success and well-being of all our students.  The Cesar E. Chavez’ learning community is committed to continue to provide your children with a high-quality education, as they continue on their path to become lifelong learners and successful, responsible and caring citizens of our global community.

    I am confident that our wonderful students will continue to climb the ladder of success by achieving their very BEST despite the current challenges.   We are committed to ensure a safe and healthy teaching and learning environment for our staff and students.  

     This year, we welcome Cesar E. Chavez School’s new Assistant Principal, Dr. Viora Robinson, to our school community.  Please visit her page on our school’s website to learn more about her experience in education.

    Please note the following important information for the first week of school:   

    Thursday, September 5, 2023 :  First day of school for students in grades Pre-K through 8

     School hours are 8:35 a.m to 4:15 pm.

     All students who eat breakfast at school will enter the building at the Cedar Place School main entrance at 8:20 a.m.  

    Arrival Procedures 

    . Pre-K; Kindergarten: Gym.  

    . Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 :  Line up in the Gym

    . Grades 5, 6, 7, 8:   Line up in the field


    To ensure the safety of all students, we ask all parents not to leave your children in front of the school building unsupervised before 8:15 am.  Please stay with them until the doors open.  There is no supervision outdoors before that time.

    Parents are welcome to schedule an appointment with their child’s teacher to visit the classroom or discuss concerns.  However, the appointment must be made prior to the visit to limit disruption to the instructional day.   (Virtual or in-person) 

    Transportation will be provided for students who live more than 1.5 miles from school.  You should have already received your child’s bus schedule from the transportation department.

    Dismissal Procedures

    . Pre-K to 5: Gym.  

    . Grades 6, 7 and 8: Lower Playground

    Inclement weather (Rain, snow, winter)

    . Pre-K to 6th: Gym

    . Grades:  7 and 8 :  report directly to class via the lower playground.

     . Students will exit via the same point of entry.  Dismissal will be staggered to facilitate and adhere to social distancing guidelines.  

    . Bus dismissal times are scheduled from 3:45pm-4:15pm.  Designated staff will pick up the bus students from their classroom and escort them to the first floor (South Broadway) to their bus monitor and taken to their bus/van.  

     All students must be picked up no later than 4:15 p.m.  Please do not go to the main office to pick up your children before 4:15 p.m.  

     The main office must be notified no later than 1:00 p.m if you plan on picking up your child early in case of a doctor’s appointment or emergency.  The main entrance will be locked at 2:45 p.m as a safety measure and re-open at 4:15 p.m for late pick-ups.

    During the first two (2) days of school, students will be given lunch, media, emergency release forms, and three (3) emergency cards.  Please fill them out, sign and return them to your child’s teacher the next day.  Please note that as a safety measure, students will not be released to any adults not listed on their emergency cards.  

    We look forward to welcoming back all our students to a productive and successful school year of learning adventures!

    Thanking you in advance for your support, collaboration, patience and understanding.


    Educationally yours,

    Magdaline Delany


    Our community may need support with a wide range of issues, such as housing, food, employment, health care and more.  Furthermore, you may have an opportunity to continue your own education.


    I would like to share the following opportunities with parents as the schedule is flexible and they can participate during the day or in the evening.


    Pathways to Success; the Yonkers Public Schools Adult Education Program can offer services and/or referrals for all of these issues.  

    Distance Learning Opportunities for Parents


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