Welcome to ART!

Phone: 914-376-8191
Degrees and Certifications:
K-12 New York State Visual Arts Masters in the Art of Teaching QUEENS COLLEGE Bachelors in Fine Arts SCHOOL of VISUAL ARTS/Graphic Design Associates in Applied Science FASHION INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY/Advertising & Design
Mrs. Jean Cohn
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. My name is Mrs. Cohn and I'm thrilled to be teaching Studio Art and IB Art at Yonkers High School. This is my 10th year in the Yonkers School District and my 12th year teaching art. Prior to YMHS, I taught at Roosevelt High School for one year. Before that, I taught art at Enrico Fermi for eight years and I am hoping to see some of my previous students at YMHS.
Before becoming an art teacher, I designed children's books for major publishing companies. My experience as an artist, art teacher, life-long learner and mom to two grown sons has allowed me to create real-world art experiences for all of my students. Get ready to learn about the world because I like to travel and we will explore art through other cultures as well as history.
I am looking forward to a successful year filled with learning through ART.
Feel free to email me at jcohn@yonkerspublicschools.org with any questions or concerns.
Please reach out with any questions.
HARDBOUND SKETCHBOOK 8 ½ x 11 100+pages (Discounted Books available at Blick for $5 if ordered through the teacher)
PENCILS to last all year. Art pencils B, 2B, 4B will be the most helpful.
KNEADED ERASER or eraser of your choice
4 SHARPIES 2 Fine Point Sharpies & 2 Ultra Fine Sharpies
CONTAINER or bag to keep supplies
Any other supplies student needs in the case they dont want to share; colored pencils, markers, watercolors, paintbrushes, crayons
Everyone starts off at 100. Its up to each student to maintain that 100. Everyday in class you will recieve two points, one for attendance and another for completing the required task.If you are absent, you are still responsible for classwork. (Please schedule appointments on the days of district-wide PDs in order to be successful in class.)
Completing Daily Classwork is mandatory, if not productive, 1 point will be deducted from your average.
Behavior & Attitude can help you earn back points.
Make up points with art challenges during your lunch or extra help on Monday. (You can also donate materials to class for points, see list below.)
• Tissues
• Liquid Soap
• Bounty Towels
• Lysol Wipes
• Sponges
• Post-its
• Sharpies
• Glue Sticks
• Markers
• Colored Pencils
• Ziploc Bags any size
MEDIUM Materials used to create art including paint, pencil, charcoal, crayon, pastels, clay and/or recycled material.
ARTISTS People who created works of art such as Van Gogh, Jackson Pollack, Georgia O’Keeffe, Pablo Picasso & more.
GENRE Time period of a specific style of artwork.
ELEMENTS OF ART Color, Value, Line, Form, Shape, Texture, Space
PRINCIPLES OF ART Balance, Variety, Harmony, Emphasis, Proportion, Movement, Rhythm, Unity
CAREERS IN ART Graphic Design, Architecture, Interior Design, Textile Design, Illustration, Fashion Design & more.