


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Jenn Librandi- Kindergarten Teacher

"Our KINDERGARTEN young learners at School Five are thriving--

It's all about: Relationships, Respect, Responsibility, Repair and Reintegration! "


Email Address: jlibrandi@yonkerspublicschools.org

Important Announcements...

*** February 28, 2025-- Student of the Month-- Celebration

*** First Marking Period Ends 1/24/25-- for Pre-K and K-- report cards distributed the week of 2/3/25

*** Valentine's Day and 100th Day of KIndergarten (tentative due to weather)-- February 14th 

*** WINTER RECESS- 2/17/25 - 2/24/25


During the month of February, we will be celebrating the following cultures/events:
  • African-American Heritage Month
  • Black History Month


***Yonkers Public Schools- School Calendar 2024-2025- Click Here


*** Supply List-- 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR CLICK HERE

*** Follow School 5 and Ms. Librandi on "X"--- (@School5Yonkers and @Maestrajenn). Here is the School 5 Link... School5Yonkers

*** We will continue to use Clever.  To log onto Clever, please use your child's ID number for the username and their birthday (mm/dd/yyyy) for the password. Another way you can log on is by scanning the badge that I will send home.

*** Log onto Clever daily and complete assigned Benchmark ELA and iReady Math digital tasks.

***Homework will be assigned Monday - Thursday log on to Clever in Benchmark Advance for English Language Arts, and iReady for Math, as well as pencil/paper tasks in your child's "Blue Folder" (Homework and Daily Parent/Guardian Communication) folder.  The folder should be returned daily, and all assignments should be completed on time.  The BLUE folder needs to be emptied out daily and all corrected work should be left at home. Thanks for your support.

***This week -- Benchmark ELA Unit 5- Weeks 1,2, and 3 -"Technology at School and a Home" and Unit 4 --Lesson 14 - Compose and Decompose 10

***PARENT PORTAL - Sign up for the parent portal to access your child's grades.

 "It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." -Albert Einstein

     Hi!  My name is Ms. Librandi and I have been at School Five for 28 years.  I started out teaching fifth grade, then sixth grade, then third grade and now I have been teaching Kindergarten for nineteen years!  I love being part of School Five's Kindergarten team and I love teaching Kindergarten.  It is exciting to see each child develop a "Love of Learning" and see their confidence grow as they master new concepts.  I believe that all students are able to learn when provided with a positive learning environment and high expectations.  My classroom is a risk-free, nurturing, safe and motivating environment. The students are provided with positive reinforcement as well as tangible and intangible rewards. The students are also provided with an individualized educational program, but this is also a classroom that is "student driven", where students can work in cooperative learning groups and learn from one another. Children in my class thrive with project-based learning too. Our English Language Arts Common Core program is called Benchmark Advance.  In Math, we use i-Ready to achieve our goals.  We use the Mystery Science program.  In Kindergarten we also have a wonderful growth mindset/social skills program called, PATHS (Promoting Alternative THinking, Strategies). For Social Studies, there are thematic units integrated with our ELA program, Scholastic News children's periodicals for current world events and the children also participate in a Kindergarten Pen-Pal Exchange and correspond with Kindergarten classrooms from different states and countries. We have a Smart Board in the classroom and the children enjoy interactive technology lessons in all core subject areas.  The children are provided with ipads and laptops for centers and computer-based testing. I am looking forward to the 2024-2025 school year with all of you. I know it will be an adjustment back into the classroom from summer break and a new experience for many, but this year is going to be exciting, and your children are going to thrive, succeed and persevere. I know you and your child may be feeling a little anxious and nervous, but I promise it will be a positive learning experience for everyone. We will work together to make this a pleasant, memorable, productive and fun learning experience. I will be here to assist you anyway I can. I am looking forward to getting to know your child and working together with all of you!  At School Five, students are always "first" and administrators, teachers and school staff build positive relationships with "ALL" students.

There will be several ways that you can communicate with me. Class Dojo is the easiest and fastest way to get a response.  Please make sure that you connect once you receive my invitation! I can also be reached by emailing me at jlibrandi@yonkerspublicschools.org

I grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut.  I received my Bachelor's Degree from Iona College and my Master's Degree from Manhattanville College.  I have a younger brother who resides in Armonk, New York with three younger children.  I still live in Greenwich, Connecticut with my fifteen-year-old daughter, Megan.  

     I am looking forward to a year filled with new learning adventures.  



Favorite Color:  Olive Green

Favorite Season:  Fall

Favorite Food:  Nachos

Favorite Drink:  Iced Coffee

Favorite sports team: The New York Yankees 

Favorite Book:  Thank You, Mr. Falker By- Patricia Polacco

Favorite Song:  "Never Grow Up"  By- Taylor Swift

Favorite hobbies: reading, shopping, cooking, nature walks

Favorite Movies:  "The One and Only Ivan" and "Yes Day"

Favorite Animals:   Deer, Dog, Hedgehog