• General Rules for Students

    1. Walk quietly in all school areas (halls, stairwells, etc.) in order to maintain a continuous flow of instruction throughout the building.
    2. Students will have the appropriate pass at all times when out of the classroom:  For example, to the bathroom, nurse, social worker, etc. 
    3. No loitering in the halls or stairwells before or after school.
    4. Respect school property.
    5. Respect all adults/students and the rights of others.
    6. Fighting or foul language will not be tolerated.
    7. Help keep our beautiful school clean and welcoming.
    8. Be a good citizen:  responsible, generous, compassionate, honest, and hard working.

    Lunch Rules for Students

    1. Listen to your teacher aide for directions.
    2. Sit down and wait to be called to lunch.
    3. Line up quietly when called.
    4. Have your lunch money ready.
    5. No cutting in line.
    6. Use good manners at all times.
    7. Speak in a moderate tone or voice.
    8. There is no walking around the cafeteria.  All students must remain in their seats.
    9. Raise your hand to use the water fountain, bathroom, etc.
    10. Use baskets for trash when they are brought to your table.