PowerSchool Portal FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS https://yonkersps.powerschool.com/public/

Calendar App-Sager/ELA


    Parents, please email me with any questions/issues at isager@yonkerspublicschools.org. After the initial contact, if necessary, we can set up a time for a phone call or in-person appointment. I am available from 8:35AM to 9:21AM, Mon-Fri.

    Students, please see me in class during the "do now" for any questions/issues. If it is necessary to meet privately, we can set up an appointment at that time. Please do not email me  unless you have an extended absence. Thanks!

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    Assignments will be posted on the chalkboard in class; students are required to copy down the HW every day. Assignments will be posted on the  Blackboard calendar above as a courtesy to students who may be absent and for parents. Please do not rely on every assignment being posted on this calendar in case of internet/website issues that may prevent this. Formal assignments will be submitted via turnitin.com or in class, as announced. Do not submit work via email unless it is arranged with me.

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    Summer Reading is due the first week of school. The late submissions deadline (for a late grade) is 10/27/23. This is the extended due date--submissions will not be accepted after this date. Please see yonkerspublicschools.org or ypl.org for the assignment.  

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    3-ring binder (1/2-1 inch); supply of loose-leaf in the binder;two blue or black pens in your bag in class everyday.

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  • Students and Parents: Cell phone/ear-bud use is prohibited in class. Parents, please contact the main office (376-8191) if you must communicate urgent information to your child during class. Thank you for your cooperation! 

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