REMIND will be used for communication only. (It's like texting)
DO NOT submit any work through REMIND.
Please feel free to message me on REMIND with questions or clarification on assignments.
How to get on REMIND: Send a text message to 81010
The REMIND Codes to send for each class:
9th Grade Architecture - @4c62a7g
9th Grade Career & Finance - @bd8k7e3
10th Grade Arch SCIENCE - @ac9ag8
10th Grade Architecture - @7a9ebe
12th Grade Strength of Materials - @g8bd6b
MICROSOFT TEAMS will be used for ALL CLASSES. (9th, 10th, 12th)
Check your class on a DAILY BASIS for any updates
Work will be assigned through MICROSOFT TEAMS with due dates
Work will be submitted through MICROSOFT TEAMS, unless otherwise discussed.
The student MUST click on "Submit" to turn in your work.
"TURN IN" Work by the assigned time. If no assigned time then by the end of the school day (2:40pm)
The following are links to join MICROSOFT TEAMS:
9th GRADE MICROSOFT TEAMS (Career & Finance Mgt) Period 8-9:Click Here
10th GRADE MICROSOFT TEAMS (Arch Science) Period 1: Click here
10th GRADE MICROSOFT TEAMS (Arch Drafting) Period 4-5:Click Here
12th GRADE MICROSOFT TEAMS (SOM) Period 2:Click here