Saunders Library Media Center Resources
Page Navigation
- Welcome!
- VIDEO: Use SORA to access over 100,000 eBooks and audiobooks!
- eBooks!
- Mr. Riley's Virtual Interactive Library Page
- @Home Virtual Activities & eBooks
- Destiny eCatalog and Digital Resources
- Citations-MyBib
- Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) eBooks for Reference
- Regents Exams
- Resources in Celebration of Ramadan
- English Language Learners Internet Resources
- College and Career Readiness Resources
- Regents Preparation Resources
- Participation Survey
- Summer Reading
- Typing Resources to Prepare for Computer Based Testing
- Typing Club
- Our Calendar
- Teacher Support and Resources
- Yonkers City Schools Library System
- Yonkers Public Library
- How to Become an RN: An Online Guide
- Guide to Online Nursing Programs
- Guide to Accredited Online LPN/LVN Programs
- Occupational Therapy Programs
- Summer Reading 2022
- Annual Report 2021-2022
Welcome to the Saunders Library Media Center Web Page: Check out new link: Mr. Riley's Virtual Interactive Library Page on the left. If you don't see the resources listed at left, log in with your computer log in in the upper right corner.
Mr. James Riley
Mr. Riley is currently the Library Media Specialist for Saunders HS. He has worked as a Media Specialist for the Yonkers Public Schools in elementary, middle, and high schools for over 20 years. He has over 25 years of experience as an educator. He holds a BA from Colgate University; an MLS from Queens College; and a Certificate in School Administration from The College of St. Rose. Mr. Riley enjoys reading; skiing; swimming; and participating in book clubs. He is also serving as the President of the Yonkers City School Library Council.

Library Media Information:
The mission of the Saunders HS Library Media Center is to provide learning opportunities that lead to high academic achievement, independent reading and learning so students are future ready leaders that are both creators and consumers of information while supporting the Technological; Vocational; and Occupational programs
Check out the following videos to assist with research:
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
Click the link below for instructions on accessing eBooks from Saunders and the Yonkers Public Library
Thank You
Library Services
Yonkers Public Schools Library Services is committed to student success. Our dedicated team of librarians help students learn, complete assignments, and attain their educational goals. Step by step along the way our librarians help individual students direct their own learning as well as integrate library skills into instructional programs for students. Library Services also provides related professional development for teachers districtwide.
Through this Library Services website thousands of electronic resources are available 24/7 to students, teachers, administrators, staff and parents on a wide variety of topics, media and platforms. Read on to learn how to access these electronic resources.
Important! You Must Log In To Use Library Resources!
Log In Instructions:
1) YPS WEBSITE: To access our Library Resources, please sign in to the YPS website, using your network login and password. (Username: student ID#/Password: windows login). Click the SIGN IN Link in the top right hand of the school webpage, or click here. (Username: student ID#/Password: windows login).
PARENTS. Please use your child’s username and password.
TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS, LIBRARIANS: Please use your YPS username and password.
2) LIBRARY CATALOG. To access the Library Catalog, you must log in a second time to Follett Destiny. The link to log in will also appear in the upper right, after you have selected the page for your school. (Username: student ID#/Password: student).
What We Offer: The YPS Library Services Top Ten:
1) Library Catalog
To find a book in your school library, look it up in the Library Catalog which is listed on this website as “Follett Destiny.” Click on the name of your school to locate the books that are available in your school’s library catalog.
2) WebPath Express
Safe, vetted internet searches for many topics are available through WebPath Express. Vetted websites are also included when you search the Library Catalog. Click on the link in the left column.
3) E-Books
You can borrow E-Books, or electronic books, by locating them in the Library Catalog. E-books are designated with an “E” Symbol; click on this symbol to open the E-book.
Please remember you must be logged in, to have access to E-Books. (Username: student ID#/Password: student). You can find the names of popular E-Books by clicking on “Destiny Discover” in the left side column of the Library Catalog menu. You can read E-books at home or school on your personal electronic devices such as laptop, tablet or phone.
4) Electronic Library Resources: magazines, encyclopedia articles & educational videos
You can look up many different articles in magazines, encyclopedias, databases or view educational video by clicking on the links below or in the left column. Examples include: BookFlix, BrainPOP, Britannica School Encyclopedia, and Discovery Education.
These resources are organized by grade level. Click on your grade level to check out all the resources available.
Please remember you must be logged in to view these resources. If you are not logged in these electronic resources will not appear on the left side column of resources. To login click the SIGN IN link in the top right hand of the school webpage, or click here.
- Pre-K & K - Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Internet Resources
- Grades 1-3 - Primary Electronic Library Resources
- Grades 4-6 - Intermediate Electronic Library Resources
- Grades 7-8 - Middle Years Electronic Library Resources
- Grades 9-12 - High School Electronic Library Resources
5) English Language Learners
To view helpful resources for English Language Learners, click here.
6) Yonkers Public Library
Join the Yonkers Public Library, where students and their parents can borrow books, videos and other resources for free. To borrow books and other library items, you must first apply for a library card. Click here for more information.
7) Test Preparation and Practice
To view study and preparation guides for the New York State Regents examinations, click here.
8) College and Career Readiness Information
Many online resources are available to help students prepare for careers, select an appropriate college or university, and apply for financial aid. To research options for preparing for careers and attending college, click here.
9)Culturally Responsive Reading List and Resources Click Here
This is a list of librarian selected culturally responsive books for our students.
10) Digital Citizenship & Netiquette Guide Click Here
Here you will find various resources on being a good digital citizen.
Your book request will be considered for the next book order
For further information contact:
Library Services
914 376 8181