Welcome to Mrs. Holibaugh's English Class page

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    Parent Teacher Conferences can be scheduled for Thursday, January 9, 2025, through Microsoft bookings with the following link.

    Book time with HOLIBAUGH, WENDY: Mid-Year Parent-Teacher Conferences


    Welcome back Saunders High School to the

    2024-25 School Year!!!!!



    Welcome Note for English 10 and AP Seminar Students


    Dear English 10 and AP Seminar Scholars,

    Welcome to what promises to be an exciting and enriching school year! Whether you’re here for English 10 or diving into the world of AP Seminar, I’m thrilled to embark on this journey with each of you.

    In English 10, we’ll explore literature that will challenge your thinking, expand your perspectives, and inspire you to see the world through new lenses. Expect to engage in lively discussions, sharpen your writing skills, and connect deeply with the stories we read.

    For my AP Seminar students, get ready to delve into complex issues, develop your research and critical thinking skills, and collaborate on projects that push the boundaries of your learning. This course is designed to empower you to become not only better students but also more informed global citizens.

    I want our classroom to be a place where your voice is heard and your ideas matter. Whether you are sharing a new insight, asking a tough question, or simply participating in a class discussion, know that your contributions are valuable and welcome.

    Let’s make this year one filled with growth, discovery, and success.  Looking forward to a strong year of learning together!  I'm already on 10!!!!!

    Mrs. Holibaugh, rm 313 wholibaugh@yonkerspublicschools.org












    Please fill out the Student Informational Form using the following link:

    10th grade Student Form





    Required Materials:

    · 1 large notebook - for ENGLISH ONLY

    · 1 marble notebook to be kept in class for in-class writing

    · 1 English folder

    · Pens and Pencils w/ erasers

    · Downloaded phone apps: onedrive, remind, Microsoft docs, powerschool, schoology

    · Post its – transparent post its are the best!

    · Student school planners – electronic: colornotes/ google calendar, iphone calendar OR hardcopy - yearly/ monthly paper planners 

    Highlighters - blue, green, yellow, AND pink or orange 





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    Go to mrsholibaughsclassroom or      and check us out!






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    Did someone say AP SEMINAR?????

    Yassssss!!!!  A lil' bit about AP Seminar:

    Course Overview

    AP Seminar is a foundational course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives. Students learn to investigate a problem or issue, analyze arguments, compare different perspectives, synthesize information from multiple sources, and work alone and in a group to communicate their ideas.


    AP Seminar Course Content Students explore the complexities of one or more themes by making connections within, between, and/or among multiple cross-curricular areas and by exploring multiple perspectives and lenses (e.g., cultural and social, artistic and philosophical, political and historical, environmental, economic, scientific, futuristic, ethical) related to those themes. Teachers have the flexibility to choose one or more appropriate themes that allow for deep interdisciplinary exploration based on: â–  Concepts or issues from other AP courses â–  Student interests â–  Local and/or civic issues â–  Academic problems or questions â–  Global or international topics Exploring different points of view and making connections across disciplines are fundamental components of the AP Seminar experience. Students consider each topic through a variety of lenses and from multiple perspectives, many of which are divergent or competing. Analyzing topics through multiple lenses aids in interdisciplinary understanding and helps students gain a rich appreciation for the complexity of important issues.


    AP Seminar Assessment Structure
    Students are assessed with two through-course performance tasks and one end-of-course exam. All three assessments are summative and will be used to calculate a final AP score (using the 1–5 scale) for AP Seminar.

    Format of Assessment
    Team Project and Presentation | 20%
    â–  Individual Research Report
    â–  Team Multimedia Presentation and Oral Defense

    Individual Research-Based Essay and Presentation | 35%
    â–  Individual Written Argument
    â–  Individual Multimedia Presentation
    â–  Oral Defense

    End-of-Course Exam (2 Hours) | 45%
    â–  Analyzing an argument (3 short-answer questions); suggested
    time 30 minutes
    â–  Synthesizing and creating an evidence-based argument (1
    essay question); suggested time 90 minutes



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    So to win the game you have to know the rules...

    AP Seminar Syllabus

    English 10 Syllabus






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    is a private mobile messaging platform that aims to help teachers, parents, students, and administrators in K–12 schools to communicate with everyone at once. 


    Please download the app and sign up using your real name rather than a nickname for important information.

    English 10 text to: 81010    Message: @mrsholib


    AP Seminar 10 text to: 81010   Message:  @wholibaugh






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  • "Wisdom is the prinicple thing, therefore get wisdom."


    Word of Wisdom - "Wisdom is more precious than rubies, And all the things you may desire cannot compare with her."

    What is wisdom defined?  Why is it above all else?  Why is it referrred to in the above quote as a "her"?  Why is the Word of Wisdom and not the Words of Wisdom? Hmmm...

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  • typing

    Did someone say keyboarding!??  Yes!!! I need to improve my speed and so do you.

    Keyboarding is an essential skill, click here to find out why.

    So let's use typing.com and when you sign in through the clever portal on the Saunder's wesite (far right ribbon) your work will be logged.  There are various modalities such as keyboard testing, lessons, digital literacy and coding.

    Begin by taking a typing test. Write down where you presently are now, in terms of speed and accuracy and set a goal for where you want to be e.g. 50 wpm.

    You improve by practicing the keyboard LESSONS (not the test) You will re-take the typing test much later down the road

    You can also practice Digital Literacy and Coding, both useful for employment. Try to practice everyday and so will I!


    Log in with clever of microsoft (school log in)

    ***Need to spend at least 10 minutes a session to earn credit.



    How's your typing skills coming along???

    Look who else is improving their keyboarding?





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Phone: (914) 376-8150


Degrees and Certifications:

NYS Certification, School Administrator and Supervisor (SAS) NYS Certification, ELA Secondary Education 7-12 NYS Certification, Students with Disabilities- English University of South Florida Business Management BA Mercy College School Administration and Supervision, MA Mercy College Secondary Education MA

Mrs. Wendy Holibaugh

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite car:  Honda HRV

Favorite books: The Bible, Just Mercy, Be Not Far From Me, Long Way Down, Clap When You Land, Monster, Speak

Favorite coffee: Cappuccino - Xtra hot!

Favorite authors: Elizabeth Acevedo, Toni Morrison, Bryan Stevenson, Zora Neale Hurston, Dave Ramsey

Favorite teams: Still...the Golden State Warriors...don't judge me, and the NY Yankees

Favorite athletes: Steph Curry, Simone Biles, Sha'Carri Richardson, Sydney Mclaughlin-Levrone Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone | Biography, Competitions, Wins ...

Favorite hobby: Taking boot camp classes at Fusion House, White Plains, NY

Best friends: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Three grown children:  Shannon, Joshua and Eddie

Four grands:  Dwain Jr - 13 years old, Kaylee 9 years old, Rylee Olivia 5 yrs old and Jace - 2 yrs old



  • Just Mercy

    by Bryan Stevenson Year Published: 2009

    My all-time favorite!  A very compelling and meaningful story about one man's journey in changing the legal system for the young, mentally ill and innocent.  An important read for any age. 

    My favorite Stevenson quotes are:

    "The true measure of our character is how we treat the poor, the disfavored, the accused, the incarcerated, and the condemned." and

    "Proximity has taught me some basic and humbling truths, including this vital lesson: Each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done."

    wholeheartedly agree. 



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